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From transformation to restoration: your guide to getting your body back in shape after pregnancy

By June 13, 2024No Comments
get back in shape after birth cronosmed

During pregnancy, your body goes through a number of important stages, which come with some major physical changes. If you've been through one or more childbirths and want to regain your wellbeing and body confidence, we've put together a useful guide for you below. Here's what you need to know about the changes caused by pregnancy, and the steps you can take to get your postpartum wellbeing back!


What changes does the body go through during pregnancy?


Not all women experience the same changes and at the same intensity during pregnancy. Some may have a relatively mild experience, while others may experience increased discomfort and even complications. Among the changes that take place in the body during this period are:


  • growth of the uterus - As the baby develops, the uterus enlarges significantly, putting pressure on the surrounding organs and causing changes in posture and balance;
  • hormonal changes - Estrogen and progesterone levels increase dramatically during pregnancy, which influences a variety of bodily functions, including metabolism, digestion and mood;
  • weight gain - It is normal for pregnant women to gain weight during pregnancy. This is to support the baby's development, but also to store energy reserves for childbirth and breastfeeding;
  • skin changes - Hormonal changes and tightening of the skin can lead to stretch marks on the breasts, abdomen, thighs and buttocks. Stretch marks may appear on the tummy after childbirth or even during pregnancy. You may also develop hyperpigmentation spots, especially on the face, which usually disappear after birth;
  • other changes - Constipation and nausea are common due to hormonal changes and the pressure of the uterus on the stomach. Pregnant women may also experience back pain, fatigue and mood changes such as irritability, anxiety or depression [1][2].

How to get your body back in shape after childbirth?


Recovery after childbirth is a process that varies from woman to woman. In general, however, the body goes through some key stages. The uterus begins to contract, gradually returning to its original size, a process that can take up to 6 weeks. If the birth was by caesarean section, healing of the incisions may take extra time. In addition, the hormonal balance is being restored, which can have a significant emotional impact [3]. To make this process as smooth as possible and to help you get back to the shape you want, follow these recommendations:


Focus on healthy eating


For a start, it is very important to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Follow a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats. Remember to hydrate properly to support your metabolic processes and keep your skin healthy.


Avoid processed foods, refined sugars and saturated fats, which can contribute to weight gain and general fatigue. Intake of nutrients such as iron, calcium and vitamin D is essential to replenish the body's stores depleted during pregnancy and needed during breastfeeding [4].


Establish an exercise program


Regular exercise is essential for optimal recovery and getting rid of belly after childbirth. However, it is important to resume physical activity gradually, according to your doctor's recommendations. You can start with light exercise such as daily walks, yoga or swimming. As you feel better, you can gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts.


Aerobics, pilates, zumba or dance classes can help you regain your muscle tone and shed the pounds gained during pregnancy. You can also include bodyweight exercises or even more intense workouts in your program once you start to feel ready [5].


Try to rest and keep a positive attitude


Recovering from childbirth is a complex process that puts demands on both body and mind. To allow the body to recover and heal, try to get enough sleep at night, but also during the day if possible.


Focus on the positive aspects of motherhood and enjoy the special moments with your baby. Avoid comparing yourself with other mothers or criticizing yourself. Every woman has her own pace of recovery, so it's important to be kind to yourself.


Surround yourself with positive people who can help you overcome any difficulties and make you feel better. Talk to your partner, family and friends or see a mental health professional if you feel overwhelmed or need help [5].


Opt for the Mommy Makeover package


Although diet and exercise can be of great help in postpartum recovery, certain areas of the body may not return to the shape you want, even after hard work. Significant skin changes or localized fat deposits can significantly affect your self-confidence and well-being.


To help you regain your harmonious figure and self-confidence, at Cronos Med Clinic we have prepared for you Mommy Makeover package. Our team of highly experienced aestheticians will guide you through this personalized process, offering solutions tailored to your needs. Such a package may include:


  • abdominoplasty - removing excess skin and adipose tissue from the abdomen, restoring muscle tone and correcting abdominal diastasis;
  • mastopexy - breast lifting and reshaping, areola and nipple repositioning and, optionally, volume augmentation;
  • 4D liposculpture - removing persistent fat deposits in problem areas such as the abdomen, thighs or back [6].

Of course, depending on your needs, in our clinics you can also benefit from other interventions or body therapies, such as:

  • treating stretch marks - if you have experienced stretch marks during pregnancy, you can treat them with carboxytherapy, microneedling, fractional CO2 laser or microdermabrasion;
  • vaginal rejuvenationLadylift laser is a non-surgical method that offers immediate results for problems such as vaginal muscle laxity, dryness and other discomforts associated with postpartum changes;
  • muscle toning and fat reduction - In our clinics, you can work on areas such as the abdomen, thighs and buttocks with Tesla Former FMS technology that facilitates muscle contractions and the reduction of fat deposits. You can also opt for fat removal with the Emerald laser or other modern therapies!

A holistic approach, taking into account your physical and mental state, is preferred to feel confident and energized again after childbirth. If you want to incorporate body therapies or aesthetic interventions into your recovery program, schedule a consultation with one of Cronos Med's specialists. Our dedicated team will analyze your case and provide you with the right solutions for you to successfully achieve your aesthetic goals!


Sources of information:


[1] "How Your Body Changes during Pregnancy." American Pregnancy AssociationDec 14, 2019, Accessed on April 24, 2024.


[2] "Pregnancy Stages and Changes.", 2023, Accessed on April 24, 2024.


[3] "What to Expect While Healing after Giving Birth." Cleveland ClinicCleveland Clinic, Oct. 31, 2022, Accessed on April 24, 2024.


[4] Lindberg, Sara. "Postpartum Diet Plan: Tips for Healthy Eating after Giving Birth." HealthlineHealthline Media, July 31, 2020, Accessed on April 24, 2024.


[5] NHS Choices. Keeping Fit and Healthy with a Baby. 2024, Accessed on April 24, 2024.


[6] Ravi Somayazula, DO. "What Is Included in a Mommy Makeover?" American Society of Plastic Surgeons, American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Apr 27, 2018, Accessed on April 24, 2024.


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