Gynecomastia correction surgery

Confidence and self-esteem are essential elements for success. At Cronos Med, we offer complete and modern solutions for gynecomastia correction. Find out all the details in the following lines.

What is gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia defines the increase in the volume of glandular tissue in boys and men. The reason is a hormonal imbalance in the body's concentrations of estrogen and testosterone. Gynecomastia may affect one or both breasts, and the change in appearance may be uneven. The increase in size of the breast tissue may also cause local discomfort.

How is the treatment performed?

When drug treatment fails, the solution is surgery. At Cronos Med, we evaluate each patient's case in order to recommend the most appropriate treatment protocol. Surgical treatment of gynecomastia can involve three stages, depending on the patient's needs:

  • Removal of excess breast tissue;
  • Suctioning fat tissue;
  • Excess skin removal.

The roles of each stage are:

Excision of excess breast tissue is recommended when gynecomastia is the result of glandular tissue proliferation. Surgical excision also allows the areola to be reduced and the nipple to be repositioned in a more natural area.


Suctioning adipose tissue is necessary when gynecomastia is the result of excess fat. In this situation, several small incisions are made through which liposuction will be performed.


Removing excess skin may be necessary when gynecomastia is very pronounced. During the initial consultation, the specialist will be able to tell you which surgical protocol he considers to be more appropriate in your case, what the stages of the operation will be and what each of them entails.


For the patient's comfort, the procedure is performed under intravenous sedation or general anaesthesia, depending on the particularities of each case. The Cronos Med team discusses with each patient individually so that they are fully informed about the alternatives available to them.

What are the benefits of gynecomastia surgery?

Cosmetic surgery to treat gynecomastia is performed in adulthood and is generally recommended in the following situations:

  • When drug treatment is no longer sufficient;
  • When tissue fibrosis sets in, it becomes painful;
  • When your physical appearance becomes disturbing and affects your self-confidence.

Before performing  gynecomastia surgery, you will need to talk to our endocrinologist.


Among the benefits of the intervention are:


  • Increasing self-confidence;
  • Getting a more masculine physique;
  • Ease the process of maintaining a healthy weight;

Contraindications treatment

The procedure is contraindicated for people who consume large amounts of alcohol, those who use marijuana and those who take anabolic steroids. All these substances are included in the list of possible causes of gynaecomastia. Correction can only be achieved after giving up these substances.

Risks after gynecomastia treatment in men

Even though surgical treatment of gynecomastia is considered safe for most patients, as with any surgery, there may be some discomfort: bleeding, reduced local sensitivity or a reaction to the anaesthetic. You will discuss these risks with the medical team, we will answer any questions and make sure things go smoothly. Don't forget that at Cronos Med you are in the hands of specialists with experience in such procedures, passionate and committed to what they do.

Recovery time for gynecomastia correction procedure

On the first postoperative day bed rest is recommended. Local discomfort is normal in the first days after surgery and can be relieved with specific medication. In the first days it is necessary to wear special compression bandages, which will be replaced with a compression accessory that will be used until two weeks postoperatively. Recovery is considered complete two weeks after the operation.


The first results are visible immediately after the procedure: the breast gland will be visibly reduced in volume. In most patients there is a degree of local oedema and bruising may occur, so you can really enjoy the final results about two weeks after the procedure.

Intervention price

At Cronos Med clinics, the price of gynecomastia surgery starts from from €2,800. For a complete evaluation and price estimate for gynecomastia surgery Bucharest, schedule a consultation with our team of specialists!

How can you tell you have gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is easily noticeable by anyone. The main signs are: excess breast tissue, breast enlargement, nipple displacement and, in some cases, local discomfort of varying degrees.

How do you get rid of gynecomastia?

The remedy for gynaecomastia depends on the underlying causes. In obese people, for example, losing weight down to a normal body mass index can improve gynaecomastia. If you are undergoing treatment that has gynaecomastia as a side effect, replacing the medication may remedy the situation.


However, when gynecomastia is caused by certain conditions (hypogonadism, malnutrition, cirrhosis) it must be treated differently. If the other treatment for gynecomastia have not given results, then gynecomastia correction surgery is recommended.

How much does gynecomastia surgery cost?

The cost of gynecomastia correction surgery can vary depending on several factors. At Cronos Med clinics and hospital, it starts from 2500 euros. The best way to get an answer to the question "gynecomastia price?" is to schedule a consultation. Cronos Med treatment is always individualized and tailored to the patient's needs and medical history.

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