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- Skin care system with ultrasonic and plasma technology

Plasonic is an innovative system that combines plasma (PlaPass) and ultrasound (SonoPass) transfer technology in one device. This revolutionary system improves hydration, skin's firmness and diminishes wrinkles, tightening pores and restoring the skin's inner health and firmness.


* PLASONIC equipment is available in Cronos Med Herăstrău clinic.

Plasonic skin benefits

The unique synergy of PlaPass and SonoPass technologies

  • PlaPass: It uses plasma to open skin cells, facilitating the absorption of active substances. The plasma generates microscopic-sized ions that penetrate deep into the skin, having antibacterial effects and stimulating skin regeneration.
  • SonoPass: It uses ultrasound to maximize the absorption of nutrients and active ingredients, penetrating deep into the skin. This process improves cell regeneration and skin elasticity.

How it works

PlaPass - Plasma transfer technology

PlaPass creates small openings between skin cells, facilitating the penetration of the active ingredients in the Plasonic Skin Booster Ampoule directly into the deep layers of the skin. This technology provides a sterilizing and regenerating effect on the skin, maximizing the effectiveness of the treatment.

SonoPass - Transdermal ultrasound delivery

Ultrasound applied in the second stage of the treatment ensures even distribution of the ingredients and maximizes their absorption. The thermal effect generated helps maintain skin elasticity and improve skin texture.

Visible effects and results

Clinically proven results

Clinical studies have shown significant skin improvements after 4 weeks of treatment with Plasonic:

  • Moisturize: 100% of patients perceived an improvement in hydration levels.
  • Skin Texture: 91% of patients noticed an improvement in skin texture.
  • Riduri: 91% of patients saw a reduction in wrinkles.
  • Pori: 82% of patients noticed a tightening of pores and an overall improvement in skin appearance.

Moisturizing and skin health effects

Plasonic helps the hyaluronic acid and the 35 active ingredients in Plasonic Skin Booster Ampoule penetrate deeply, resulting in intensely moisturized and visibly healthier skin. After 4 weeks, 100% of patients reported improved skin hydration.

Wrinkle reduction and skin tightening

Thanks to the adenosine and other active ingredients in Plasonic Skin Booster Ampoule, wrinkles are visibly reduced and the skin becomes firmer and more elastic.

PLASONIC Skin care system with ultrasonic technology and plasma chronos med

Plasonic applicators - PlaPass and SonoPass

Stage 1: PlaPass

PlaPass uses plasma to create microscopic openings in skin cells, ensuring efficient absorption of active ingredients. This process sterilizes the skin and stimulates cell regeneration.

Stage 2: SonoPass

SonoPass applies ultrasound to evenly distribute and maximize the absorption of active ingredients, resulting in skin that's more hydrated, firmer and smoother.

Contraindications and aftercare


Plasonic is not recommended for:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women.
  • Areas with open wounds.
  • Patients with metal implants in the treatment area or implant-type electronic devices.


After the treatment, a slight rash may appear, which disappears within 30 minutes. Apply sunscreen to protect the skin.

Frequency of treatments

3-4 sessions, 1-2 weeks apart, are recommended for optimal results.


PLASONIC equipment is available in Cronos Med Herăstrău clinic.

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