Liposuction of the face

surgical treatment

We know that by its appearance, the double chin or goatee can affect not only the symmetry of the face, but also self-confidence. Through modern liposuction procedures, we can restore a youthful and healthy look to the face, regardless of age.

What is liposuction for the neck?

Liposuction for the neck is a type of aesthetic medicine procedure that consists of removing excess fatty tissue under the chin, allowing the contours of the face and neck to be reshaped. Before choosing this solution, it is important to schedule a consultation in the Cronos Med clinics, to determine, together with your specialist, if this is the best option for you.

Causes of double chin

There are several possible causes for the occurrence of double chin, including:

  • Decreased skin elasticity;
  • Weight gain;
  • Bad posture, chin to chest;
  • Genetic inheritance;
  • Eating habits.

Although women are generally more prone to developing this aesthetic problem, men can have it and are equally concerned about the solutions available to remove it.

Double beard reduction surgery

As with many other medical procedures, advances in liposuction technology are helping us achieve the desired results much more easily than 10-15 years ago. Specifically, in Cronos Med offices we offer a modern liposuction method, which combines the latest technology with the precision of surgery, with tangible results, obtained quickly and safely.


The procedure is called 4D liposculpture - it is minimally invasive and will be performed using a water-assisted suction device.


The duration of this procedure varies between one hour and four hours, depending on its complexity, and can be done at the same time as other cosmetic procedures such as mastopexy or breast augmentation.

Risks after liposuction treatment

Even though the name "liposuction of the mouth" can be scary, in reality, thanks to technology things are simpler and safer than we think. As an atraumatic procedure, it ensures a quick recovery without complications. As with any surgery, there is a minor risk of bleeding or local infection. Cronos Med's team of specialists has extensive experience in performing this type of procedure, so we assure you that you are in good hands.

Recovery time for the liposuction procedure

Due to the sensitivity of the area where the procedure is performed, some local oedema and small bruising may occur after the procedure. These are normal and disappear within two weeks.


Among the results you can enjoy after the procedure are: rapid improvement of skin appearance, elimination of stubble, getting a younger look, sculpted neck. The final results are visible about two weeks after the procedure. The doctor will also give you a series of recommendations aimed at preventing the recurrence of the goiter over time.

As with other surgeries, the first step is an initial consultation with one of our surgeons to determine the surgery protocol that best suits you. In addition, you can also find out if liposuction is the appropriate treatment for a double chin. For a liposuction tummy tuck procedure, the price may vary depending on the patient's needs. Call Cronos Med for an appointment and you will find out all the necessary details.


Liposuction surgery starts from 1.700 euro

How to get rid of the goiter?

If you are bothered by a goiter or double chin, you should know that there are several treatment methods. Exercises for the double chin help tone the local muscles and can help to correct unsightly areas. Dieting for weight loss reduces fat deposits, including those in the chin area. Aesthetic treatments include: 4D liposculpture, cryolipolysis by Clatuu technology, lipolysis. All three procedures are available and waiting for you at Cronos Med clinics.

What is double chin?

About gusa surgery it's all talk, but what is double chin? Double chin is a fold of skin, usually on a lipid substrate, that appears under the chin, altering the facial and neck contours. In the appearance of double chin, lack of tone in the platysma muscle (the skin muscle of the neck) is the main culprit for the characteristic pucker appearance.

What causes goiter?

The causes of goitre are varied and may be related to several factors. Aging and lack of adequate hydration contribute to decreased skin elasticity. Weight gain leads to the formation of fatty deposits, including in the neck and chin area. Poor posture, with the chin tucked into the chest, characteristic of office work and smartphone use, leads to a decrease in local muscle tone. Eating habits also play an important role, with a carbohydrate-based diet being responsible for the appearance of double chin, even if it does not necessarily lead to significant weight gain. Finally, there is also a genetic component that should not be ignored and that affects both the distribution of body fat and the elasticity of the skin, which can cause the formation of unsightly skin folds that significantly alter the contour of the face.

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