Activ Cryo V2

Cryotherapy to boost the immune system and with anti-aging effect 360.

What is it?

Active Cryo 2 is a state-of-the-art system for cryotherapy. It involves exposure to extremely cold temperatures for several minutes, with the aim of boosting the immune system, reducing inflammation, relieving pain and improving physical performance.

What does therapy involve?

Active Cryo V2 therapy is performed in a specialised device, called a cryosauna, which uses liquid nitrogen to produce temperatures down to -160 degrees Celsius.


The patient is exposed to these temperatures for 2-3 minutes, and this brief exposure to cold can have numerous health benefits.


Active Cryo V2 is commonly used in performance sports to aid recovery after training and competition and to improve physical performance.


The therapy can also be used for:

  • relief of muscle and joint pain
  • reduction of inflammation
  • treating psoriasis
  • improving general health

Activ Cryo Therapy V2 is available at Cronos Med Brasov.


160 LEI (1 Minute)

210 LEI (2 Minutes)

270 LEI (3 Minutes)

320 LEI (4 Minutes)

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