Skin rejuvenation by fractional ablation

What is Tixel?

Tixel is a device for non-invasive skin rejuvenation procedures using thermo-mechanical ablation technology. It is designed to treat a wide range of skin problems such as:

  • fine wrinkles
  • sunspots
  • post-neural scars
  • dilated pores

How does it work?

The Tixel device uses beams of thermal pixels to make tiny holes in the surface layer of the skin, which stimulates collagen production and consequently improves the appearance of the skin.


It can also be used to allow the active ingredients to penetrate deeper layers of the skin, making treatments more effective.


Tixel treatment is relatively quick and painless compared to other skin rejuvenation treatments, and recovery is usually quick and easy. After the procedure you can apply light make-up.


The Tixel procedure is available at Cronos Med Brasov.

tixel - cronos med


Rejuvenare cu PRX-T33760 lei
Peeling - luminozitate690 lei
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