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Facial rejuvenation surgery in the top 10 most requested aesthetic procedures worldwide.

The facelift initially started from a patient's idea. In 1901, a Polish aristocrat asked her surgeon to lift her cheeks and the corners of her mouth. After much debate, the operation went ahead, and the first facelift in the history of aesthetic medicine was performed. Since then, techniques have evolved, risks have decreased considerably, and the facelift is in the top 10 most requested aesthetic procedures worldwide.


Aging, prolonged exposure to the sun and gravity leave signs on our faces such as wrinkles, sagging skin, lax facial muscles.

What is facelift?

Facelift is a surgical procedure that corrects these signs of aging by tightening facial muscles and removing excess skin.


The procedure can be combined, upon request and depending on the need, with blepharoplasty (upper and/or lower), with dermal fibrin injections and botulinum toxin or with an autologous fat transfer.

To whom is this intervention addressed?

  • The operation is aimed at both women and men, in good health, aged between 40 and 70.
  • Depending on the location, facelifts can be of several types.
  • By facelift we mean a facelift that addresses the lower two thirds of the face.

What is involved and how long does the intervention take?

  • Facelift is a surgical procedure that requires general anesthesia and, depending on the complexity and the association with other facial rejuvenation procedures, can take between three and five hours.
  • Incisions are made in inconspicuous areas, in the natural folds of the skin in front of the ears, in the sideburn area, below the earlobe and in the lower scalp area.
  • Postoperative scars fade over time, becoming almost invisible.
  • During surgery, excess fat and skin will be redistributed or removed. Subcutaneous muscle and connective tissues are repositioned and strengthened.

How do you prepare for a facelift and when can it be done?

Ideally, the operation is aimed at non-smoking patients. If you do smoke, it is essential that you stop smoking at least three months before the operation and do not smoke for a month afterwards. Smoking slows down the body's ability to heal and increases the risk of infection.

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You will need to stop at least one week before surgery, any medication with blood thinning potential, in this category include anticoagulants, anti-inflammatories (including Ibuprofen and Aspirin) and certain dietary supplements: Omega 3, Vitamin E.
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Before the surgery you will have a preliminary consultation where the surgeon will examine your health and assess whether you are a suitable candidate for facelift surgery.
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You will be explained in detail what the operation consists of, what the risks and advantages are, and you will be asked what your expectations are regarding the outcome.
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Ideal candidates for this type of procedure are people in good general health, non-smokers, with a positive attitude and realistic expectations of the outcome of the procedure.


  • Inherent risks of general anaesthesia
  • Excess bleeding
  • Infection
  • Blood clots
  • Prolonged oedema
  • Temporary numbness or tingling at the incision site
  • Hair loss at the incision site
  • Facial asymmetry
  • Skin contour irregularities


Although it is a safe operation, which does not present major risks, there are situations in which facelift is not indicated:

  • Known blood clotting problems
  • Severe chronic diseases
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer


Performed by an experienced surgeon, a facelift can offer spectacular results, especially when coupled with other complementary rejuvenation procedures such as autologous fat transfer for skin regeneration, facial peels or botulinum toxin injections.

  • Removal of signs of aging in the skin: wrinkles, bags, asymmetries caused by uneven accumulation of fat in the face, deep nasolabial folds
  • Skin tightening and facial muscle repositioning\
  • Reconstruction of the jaw line
  • Almost invisible scars
  • Moderate recovery time
  • Natural effect
  • Improving skin quality
  • Increasing self-confidence
  • Better mental, positive attitude

Like any successful cosmetic surgery procedure that the patient understands and has realistic expectations of, facelift also has a high post-operative satisfaction rate among patients.


  • The operated area will be bandaged and the pain will be kept under control with the help of painkillers that will be prescribed. After 24 hours after the operation, the patient leaves the clinic.
  • Recovery time varies from patient to patient, depending on age and health, but in principle, within a month of surgery you will be able to return to your normal activities, enjoying your new appearance.
  • In the first week after surgery you will need to sleep face up on several pillows to minimise oedema.
  • Swelling and bruising are common, and will gradually disappear.
  • You will want to adjust your schedule so that you can reschedule any social events and work from home until the visible signs disappear.
  • Normally, after the first week you should not need painkillers, but you may still feel a slight numbness in your face, which is absolutely normal and will gradually disappear over time.
  • During the first six weeks after surgery you should avoid any activity that may raise your blood pressure, including cardio, yoga, lifting weights.
  • A week after the operation, you will be able to resume household activities that are not very demanding: walking around the house, preparing meals.
  • The effects of the procedure last up to 10 years and, although the ageing process continues, it allows you to maintain a much younger and improved appearance for years.


Facelift surgery has a cost starting from

from 6,000 euros

To this is added, as appropriate, the prices of complementary facial rejuvenation procedures performed during the operation: dermal filler, botulinum toxin, upper or lower blepharoplasty, autologous fat transfer.
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