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Wrinkle types by age, their characteristics and removal methods

By August 22, 2024No Comments
Types of wrinkles according to age their characteristics and age-related removal methods cronos med

Wrinkles are a natural part of the ageing process. However, their type and severity can vary depending on age, genetic factors and lifestyle. To help you keep your face looking young and firm, we invite you to find out more about the common types of wrinkles that appear at different ages, their distinctive features and recommended treatment methods!


Wrinkles in your 20s and 30s


In the 20-30 age range, the skin is usually firm, elastic and well moisturized thanks to optimal levels of collagen and elastin. However, the first signs of ageing can start to appear even now, especially if the skin is exposed to harmful factors. Ultraviolet radiation, smoking, stress and an unhealthy diet can all play a significant role [1]. The wrinkles that appear at this age are generally superficial and are known as dynamic wrinkles or expression lines. They include:


  • fine lines around the eyes and mouth (laugh lines) - occur when smiling and laughing, caused by repeated movements of the muscles in this area;
  • lines on the forehead - can occur due to repeated eyebrow raising;
  • lines between the eyebrows (glabellar) - are vertical lines that appear due to frequent frowning and can become more pronounced with intense facial expressions made regularly.

Wrinkle prevention and care


Measures such as the daily use of a moisturizer and a product with sun protection factor (SPF) are recommended to prevent new wrinkles and skin damage. Adopting a healthy diet and quitting smoking are also indicated to slow down the skin ageing process. Creams containing retinoids, vitamin C and peptides can stimulate collagen production and improve skin texture [1].


Treatment methods


In your 20s and 30s, non-invasive treatments such as microdermabrasion are ideal, microneedling and mild chemical peels, which help reduce fine wrinkles by stimulating cell regeneration.


Wrinkles at 30-40


In the 30-40 age range, wrinkles become more visible and deeper than in the previous decade. At this age, the skin's natural regeneration processes begin to slow down and the production of collagen and elastin decreases. Wrinkles can be divided into two main categories:


  • dynamic wrinkles - occur due to repeated movements of the facial muscles, such as smiling, frowning and raising eyebrows. They become more pronounced and even permanent as the skin loses elasticity;
  • static wrinkles - appear due to the loss of volume and firmness of the skin and are visible even when the face is at rest. They are the combined result of the natural ageing process and changes caused by external factors [2].

The main types of wrinkles that become evident during this period include:


  • fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes (crow's feet) - they deepen and become more pronounced due to repeated eye movements and loss of skin elasticity;
  • nasolabial wrinkles - they form from the corners of the nose to the corners of the mouth and become more prominent with age.
  • lines on the forehead and between the eyebrows - become deeper and more visible due to repeated movements of the frontalis and glabellar muscles.

Methods of care and treatment


To prevent and care for wrinkles in your 30s and 40s, a well-established routine tailored to the needs of mature skin is necessary. This should include cleansing, moisturizing and protecting the skin. Age-appropriate anti-ageing products, such as those with retinol and antioxidants, can help to slow the ageing process and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, sun avoidance, a balanced diet and adequate sleep are also essential.

If wrinkles are still becoming more visible, there are several treatment options available. Laser therapies, chemical peelings and injections of hyaluronic acid or botulinum toxin can reduce the appearance of wrinkles. A dermatologist or aesthetician can offer advice and a personalized treatment plan!


Wrinkles at 40-50


Between the ages of 40 and 50, wrinkles become more noticeable and deeper, and the skin begins to lose its firmness and elasticity at an accelerated rate. During this period, wrinkles are visible even when the face is at rest and tend to become more pronounced. In addition, the skin loses more and more of its volume, leading to a more pronounced appearance of wrinkles and folds. The main types of wrinkles and skin changes at this age include:


  • nasolabial wrinkles - The lines stretching from the corners of the nose to the corners of the mouth are accentuated due to loss of volume and skin elasticity;
  • forehead and glabellar wrinkles - lines on the forehead and between the brows become deeper and more visible, reflecting years of repeated facial expressions and collagen loss;
  • goose's foot - Wrinkles around the eyes become more pronounced and visible as a result of loss of skin elasticity in this delicate area.

Methods of care and treatment


During this period it is also imperative to pay proper attention to skin care. Skin care products with sun protection factor and moisturizing formulas are a must. Maintaining a nutrient-rich diet and a balanced lifestyle are also important.

In terms of treatments available, there is a wide range of non-invasive cosmetic procedures, such as hyaluronic acid injections or botulinum toxin, vampire therapy or radiofrequency and ultrasound treatments [3]. The choice of the right method depends on individual preferences, skin condition and the recommendation of the specialist.


Wrinkles at 50+


At this age, wrinkles can become a predominant feature of the face and the skin loses significant elasticity and firmness. Deep wrinkles and fine lines are more visible and the skin can become thinner and more fragile. Decreased production of collagen and elastin, hormonal changes, cumulative exposure to UV radiation and loss of subcutaneous fat all contribute to the changes in the skin [1].


Methods of care and treatment


Skin care after 50 requires a complex and personalized approach, including both methods to prevent skin degradation and specific treatments for wrinkles and skin laxity. The use of anti-ageing creams, whether with retinol or hyaluronic acid, can help reduce the visibility of wrinkles. Sun protection is also essential.


Wrinkle removal methods may include botulinum toxin or hyaluronic acid injections, vampire therapy, advanced professional laser or radiofrequency treatments, as well as surgical procedures such as facelift. An experienced medical specialist can establish a personalized plan to restore the structure and appearance of the complexion [3].


So as we age, our skin changes, but fortunately there are solutions that can help keep your skin looking young and firm. For personalized consultations and effective treatments against wrinkles, we are waiting for you at Cronos Med locations. We are at your disposal with modern solutions to combat various types of wrinkles, as well as a team of professionals ready to give you all the information you need!


Sources of information:


[1] "Wrinkles & Fine Lines: Types, Causes & Prevention." Cleveland Clinic, 2022, Accessed on May 24, 2024.


[2] "A Visual Guide to Wrinkles." WebMD, 2023, Accessed on May 24, 2024.


[3] DermSurgery Associates. "How to Treat Forehead Wrinkles at Different Ages: Dermatologist in Houston Explains | DermSurgery Associates.", June 30, 2021, Accessed on May 24, 2024.

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