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Treatment options for breast hypoplasia: from therapies to surgery

By June 13, 2024No Comments
treatment options for breast hypoplasia cronosmed

Breast hypoplasia can be a source of uncertainty for many women. Fortunately, today there are many treatment options that can lead to satisfying cosmetic results and improved self-confidence. Here's what you need to know about the condition, what types of breast hypoplasia there are, and how to treat it effectively!


What is breast hypoplasia and why does it occur?


Breast hypoplasia is a condition involving the underdevelopment of breast glandular tissue. It can manifest as underdeveloped or undersized breasts, but in some cases the condition is not obvious. This is because the volume and size of the breasts are largely determined by the fatty tissue, which can develop normally. However, there are usually a number of symptoms that may suggest breast hypoplasia, such as:


  • Underdeveloped breasts compared to the size of the chest;
  • Tapered or flattened breasts and a space of more than 4 centimeters between the breasts;
  • visible differences in shape and volume between the two breasts;
  • large, bulbous-looking areoles;
  • no breast changes during pregnancy or after childbirth;
  • breastfeeding difficulties [1][2];

The causes of breast hypopplasia are diverse and may include genetic, hormonal or environmental factors. Some women are born with the condition, while others may develop breast hypoplasia as a result of some:


  • hormonal changes, such as imbalances in female sex hormones like estrogen and progesterone;
  • health problems - Turner syndrome, for example, is a genetic condition that can lead to breast hypoplasia because it affects a woman's sexual development;
  • environmental factors - exposure to chemicals or certain toxic agents during development can affect normal breast development;
  • treatments or therapies - females who have undergone radiotherapy in childhood for the treatment of oncologic conditions may have breast hypoplasia [1].

Types of breast hypoplasia


Breast hypoplasia can be classified according to several criteria. Depending on the cause, it can be:


  • congenital breast hypoplasia - It starts at birth and is influenced by genetic or hormonal factors. In such cases, the breasts are small from the start and may grow significantly less during puberty. Difficulties may become more noticeable in adulthood, especially after pregnancy;
  • acquired breast hypoplasia - occurs after childbirth as a result of medical conditions, breast trauma or treatment. The breasts grow normally at first, but later the glandular tissue underdevelops, affecting one or both breasts. Other symptoms specific to the underlying condition may also be present.

Depending on the degree of damage, hypoplasia can be mild, moderate or severe. In mild, the breasts are usually in proportion to the rest of the body and breastfeeding is possible. With moderate or severe hypoplasia, the breasts may be significantly smaller and underdeveloped, and the chances of breastfeeding difficulties increase.


Depending on their location, they are distinguished:


  • unilateral breast hypoplasia - is manifested by underdevelopment of one breast. This asymmetry can affect breastfeeding at that breast;
  • bilateral breast hypoplasia - is manifested by underdeveloped glandular tissue in both breasts [1];

Main treatment options for breast hypoplasia


Breast hypoplasia can be addressed by different treatment methods, depending on the severity of symptoms, patient preferences and recommendations specialist doctor. Options range from drug treatments to complex surgery. Here are the main options:


Drug treatment


If breast hypoplasia is caused by a specific medical condition or hormonal imbalance, drug treatment aims to correct hormone levels. The approach is individualized, tailored to each patient's specific needs and the severity of the condition. Discovering breast hypoplasia early in childhood allows prompt and effective intervention. A pediatric endocrinologist can assess hormone levels and identify possible imbalances that can be treated with medication [3].


Also, in some specific cases, anti-androgenic agents such as spironolactone may be recommended to reduce testosterone levels. This may lead to a slight improvement in breast development [4].


Fat transfer


Autologous fat transfer, also known as lipotransfer, can be a beneficial treatment option for women with breast hypoplasia. It involves removing fat from an area of the body, such as the abdomen or thighs, and injecting it into the breasts after special processing. The procedure is particularly suitable for patients who want a natural result and a moderate increase in breast size.


In the first phase, the surgeon identifies the 'donor' areas and extracts the necessary fat using a special liposuction method that prevents cell destruction. The fat and fluid obtained are then processed and turned into pure fat, which is then injected into the fatty tissue of the breast. After the procedure, there may be mild discomfort and swelling in the breasts and the area where the fat was harvested.


The results are long-lasting, but about half of the injected fat will survive permanently, so sometimes a second operation is necessary [5]. Only an experienced plastic surgeon can help you find out if this procedure is ideal for you after a thorough consultation.


Breast augmentation with implants


Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that involves the use of implants to achieve normal breast shape and size. The procedure can be an ideal choice for those who are experiencing small, asymmetrical or underdeveloped breasts, either for congenital reasons or after childbirth or mastectomy.


The process begins with a pre-operative consultation where your plastic surgeon will discuss your goals and suggest the right type of implant - saline or silicone. You'll then undergo a series of tests and screenings to ensure the safety of the procedure, and the doctor will tell you what steps to take and what medications to avoid before surgery, if any. The implants will be inserted through strategically made incisions under the mammary gland or pectoral muscle.


Recovery after breast augmentation involves plenty of rest and wearing a special bra for support. Results can be assessed after about 3 months and are long-term. In some cases, it may be necessary changing breast implantsin the future [6].


So, if you are experiencing breast hypoplasia, there are many treatment options to choose from. Schedule a consultation with a specialist to find out the best treatment approach, depending on the severity of the condition, your wishes and your overall health. Cronos Med awaits you with a team of professionals with extensive experience! Come into one of our clinics and take the first step towards the self-confidence you deserve!


Sources of information:


[1] Winocour, Sebastian, and Valerie Lemaine. "Hypoplastic Breast Anomalies in the Female Adolescent Breast." Seminars in Plastic Surgery, vol. 27, no. 01, May 23, 2013, pp. 042-048,, Accessed April 25, 2024.


[2] "Insufficient Glandular Tissue (Breast Hypoplasia) | Australian Breastfeeding Association.", 2022, Accessed April 25, 2024.


[3] "Breast Hypoplasia - Children's Health.", 2014, Accessed April 25, 2024.


[4] "Improvement of Unilateral Breast Hypoplasia with Oral Spironolactone in a Patient with Becker Nevus Syndrome - JDDonline - Journal of Drugs in Dermatology." JDDonline - Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, 2022, Accessed April 25, 2024


[5] Eser, Cengiz, et al. "Reconstruction of Acquired Breast Hypoplasia by Subcutaneous Scar Releasing and Repeated Fat Grafting Combination." Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Global Open, vol. 3, no. 6, June 1, 2015, pp. e408-e408,, Accessed April 25, 2024


[6] "Breast Implants: Types, Surgery, Recovery & Risks." Cleveland Clinic, 2021, Accessed April 25, 2024

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