Upper blepharoplasty

Interventia de blefaroplastie superioara, realizata de echipa de chirurgi esteticieni Cronos Med Academy, are 15% discount pana la sfarsitul lunii septembrie 2024.


Cronos Med Bucharest | Bacau


With age, the membrane that supports the fat in the periorbital area becomes increasingly thinner, and some of it migrates to the eyelid area, giving it a puffy appearance. Also, the upper eyelid forms a fold above the eyelashes, which obstructs vision.


Belfaroplasty is a surgical procedure that can be performed with local or total anaesthesia and lasts about an hour, depending on the complexity of the case.

Below you will find details of the operation:
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The surgeon marks the areas of excess tissue to be removed
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The surgeon will make a fine incision in the natural crease of the upper eyelid
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The surgeon will remove excess tissue using scalpels, scissors and radiofrequency cutting devices
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Fat can redistribute to eliminate the swollen appearance
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If necessary, the surgeon will also correct muscle laxity
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The incisions are closed by sutures with thread


  • After surgery you may experience light sensitivity, double vision or excessive tearing
  • For a few days the eyelids will be swollen and numb, even bruised for up to a week, but cold compresses help reduce swelling and bruising.
  • You will be prescribed painkillers which you will take as needed
  • You will use eye drops to maintain an optimal humidity level
  • You will sleep in a position where your head is higher than your chest
  • Strenuous physical activity should be avoided during the first two weeks after surgery.
  • You should get as much sleep as possible and avoid activities that can dry your eyes (reading, watching TV, wearing contact lenses or using a computer).
  • During the first two weeks after surgery it is recommended to wear dark sunglasses to protect the eyes from irritation caused by wind or sun.
  • You will be able to return to your normal activities after ten days

The results are long-lasting and you should keep in mind that blepharoplasty surgery can only be done once.

Six top Cronos Med Academy surgeons are participating in the program:



UPPER BLEPHAROPLASTY performed by Cronos Med Academy surgeons costs:

de la 1.100€

What are the medical indications for upper blepharoplasty?

Upper blepharoplasty can be performed for both functional and aesthetic reasons. Your cosmetic doctor may recommend upper blepharoplasty if excess skin around your eyes is obstructing your vision and affecting your quality of life. Excess skin can cause difficulties when reading, driving or working on the computer, and a reduced field of vision can lead to overstrained facial muscles, resulting in discomfort and headaches. Blepharoplasty can also give you an improved aesthetic appearance, helping you feel more comfortable in your own skin.

How long does the recovery time after eyelid surgery last?

The recovery time following the upper eyelid blepharoplasty procedure varies depending on the specifics of your case. In general, recovery lasts between a few days and a few weeks, during which time the post-operative effects gradually disappear. Edema (swelling of the area) and bruising are normal after eyelid surgery, but cold compresses can reduce the intensity of these symptoms. It is recommended to avoid heavy lifting or strenuous physical activity during the first two weeks after surgery and to wear sunglasses for extra protection of the eye area. In general, most people can return to normal activities after about 10 days.

How much does the upper blepharoplasty procedure cost?

In Cronos Med clinics, upper blepharoplasty costs between 1,750 and 2,500 euros, the price varying depending on the specifics of your case, the type of anesthesia used and the technique recommended by the surgeon. The final cost is determined after a thorough consultation, during which our specialists analyse all the details of your case. For more information about upper blepharoplasty and a personalised treatment plan, we are waiting for you in our clinics in Bucharest and Bacau, where you can discuss with top specialists in the field of cosmetic surgery.

What are the medical indications for upper blepharoplasty?

Upper blepharoplasty can be achieved for both functional and aesthetic reasons. The aesthetic doctor may recommend upper blepharoplasty surgery if excess skin around your eyes obstructs your vision and affects your quality of life. Excess skin can cause difficulties when reading, driving or working on the computer, and a reduced field of vision can lead to overstrained facial muscles, resulting in discomfort and headaches. Blepharoplasty can also give you an improved aesthetic appearance, helping you feel more comfortable in your skin.

How long does the recovery time after eyelid surgery last?

Recovery time following the upper eyelid blepharoplasty varies depending on the specifics of your case. In general, recovery lasts between a few days and a few weeks, during which time the post-operative effects gradually disappear. Edema (swelling of the area) and bruising are normal after eyelid surgery, but cold compresses can reduce the intensity of these symptoms. It is recommended to avoid heavy lifting or strenuous physical activity during the first two weeks after surgery and to wear sunglasses for extra protection of the eye area. In general, most people can return to normal activities after about 10 days.

How much does the upper blepharoplasty procedure cost?

In Cronos Med, upper blepharoplasty costa de la 1.100 de euro, pretul variind in functie de particularitatile cazului tau, tipul de anestezie utilizat si tehnica recomandata de medicul chirurg. Costul final se stabileste in urma unei consultatii amanuntite, in cadrul careia specialistii nostri analizeaza toate detaliile cazului tau. Pentru mai multe informatii despre upper blepharoplasty and a personalized treatment plan, we are waiting for you in our clinics in Bucharest and Bacau, where you can discuss with top specialists in the field of cosmetic surgery.

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