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It is a microneedling procedure that directly nourishes the skin with the necessary vitamins and nutrients, the injected substances reaching the skin layers where cell repair and new collagen production takes place.


The therapy restores radiance to tired, dry, dull skin, while improving superficial wrinkles.


A series of microinjections are administered to the entire face or partially to areas requiring attention, depending on the patient's needs. The procedure can be performed using the micro-needling method, the meso-injector or the cannula. The method is chosen by the doctor, depending on the patient's skin type and the mesotherapy substances used.


The treatment is well tolerated, painless, because an anesthetic cream is applied before the procedure.


For a satisfactory and long-lasting effect, 3-4 sessions every 2 weeks are recommended, with maintenance sessions once or twice a year.


In general, almost anyone can benefit from this procedure, with minor exceptions:


  • task
  • breastfeeding
  • keloid scar
  • infections


BIOREVITALIZATION WITH MEZOTHERAPY WITH VITAMINS AND Amino Acids is a safe and as natural as possible procedure. The substances used also exist naturally in our skin, and the therapy simply replaces and restores the optimal level of these vitamins and nutrients.


The results are amazing and can be seen immediately: skin becomes more hydrated, nourished, glowing, with better elasticity and improved texture.


Mesotherapy can also be combined with Vampire Therapy for sustained and long-lasting effects.

Adverse effects are minimal: small swellings and possible small bruises at the injection site, but these disappear in a few days. Infection, allergies and scarring are extremely rare.


The price of the mesotherapy biorevitalization procedure starts from

500 lei

What is skin biorevitalization?

Skin biorevitalization is a minimally invasive aesthetic procedure that involves injecting substances into the upper layers of the skin to hydrate and nourish the skin. Substances used for the biorevitalization procedure include hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants. The treatment can be carried out using the microneedling technique or using a mesogun, depending on the recommendations of our specialists at Cronos Med. To help you feel as comfortable as possible during the procedure, our specialists will apply an anaesthetic cream to your skin for about 20 minutes before injecting the biorevitalizing substances.

What are the benefits of skin biorevitalization?

Because moisturizing and nourishing substances are introduced directly into the dermis and epidermis, the skin biorevitalization procedure produces an intense moisturizing and inflammation-reducing effect while stimulating optimal skin cell function and collagen production. That is why Cronos Med specialists can recommend skin biorevitalization to reduce dark circles and fine wrinkles, to restore the radiance of dry and tired skin or to even out the colour of the complexion. The treatment lasts between 20 minutes and one hour, and the results start to become visible from the first session and peak 2-3 months after the treatment.

What side effects can occur following the skin biorevitalization procedure?

Biorevitalization of the skin is generally well tolerated and the side effects are mild and disappear in a few days. There may be slight swelling, bruising, redness and mild discomfort that resolves itself in 1-2 days. Most people can resume normal activities the day after the procedure. For detailed information about mesotherapy biorevitalization and a personalized treatment plan, our specialized aesthetic medicine staff is waiting for you in our top clinics for a thorough consultation.

What is skin biorevitalization?

Skin biorevitalization is a minimally invasive aesthetic procedure that involves injecting substances into the upper layers of the skin to hydrate and nourish the skin. The substances used for biorevitalization procedure include hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants. The treatment can be performed using the microneedling technique or using a mesogun, depending on the recommendations of our specialists at Cronos Med. To help you feel as comfortable as possible during the procedure, our specialists will apply an anaesthetic cream to your skin for about 20 minutes before injecting the substances for biorevitalization.

What are the benefits of skin biorevitalization?

Because moisturizing and nourishing substances are introduced directly into the dermis and epidermis, skin biorevitalization procedure produces an intense moisturizing and inflammation-reducing effect and also stimulates optimal skin cell function and collagen production. That's why Cronos Med specialists can recommend skin biorevitalization to reduce dark circles and fine wrinkles, to restore radiance to dry and tired skin or to even out skin colour. The treatment lasts between 20 minutes and one hour, and the results start to become visible from the first session and peak 2-3 months after the treatment.

What side effects can occur following the skin biorevitalization procedure?

Skin biorevitalization is generally well tolerated and the side effects are mild and disappear within a few days. There may be slight swelling, bruising, redness and mild discomfort that resolves itself in 1-2 days. Most people can resume normal activities the day after the procedure. For detailed information about mesotherapy biorevitalization and a personalised treatment plan, our specialist aesthetic medicine staff are waiting for you in our top clinics for a thorough consultation.

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