Hyaluronic acid treatment


Profhilo Structura este una dintre cele mai noi terapii anti-aging ale momentului, un tratament revoluționar, bazat pe acid hialuronic cu puritate sporită, care acționează în profunzime pentru a recontura, hidrata intens și reda elasticitatea pielii.

Ce este Profhilo Structura?

Profhilo Structura este un tratament cu o formulă avansată de acid hialuronic. Spre deosebire de alte tratamente, acesta nu doar că umple ridurile, ci stimulează producția de colagen și elastina, iar pielea devine mai fermă, mai netedă, mai tânără.

Beneficiile tratamentului cu acid hialuronic Profhilo Structura:

  • Reconturează
  • Hidratează profund
  • Reface țesutul adipos
  • Are efect de lifting și întinerire
  • Îmbunătățește textura pielii
  • E potrivit tuturor tipurilor de piele
  • Este foarte rapid, nu are timp de recuperare
  • Rezultatele păstrează trăsăturile individuale, nu volumizează

How does it work?

Profhilo Structura este o inovație majoră în medicina estetică, fiind un tratament regenerativ care merge dincolo de efectele estetice obișnuite ale fillerelor tradiționale.


Acesta acționează la un nivel profund, stimulând regenerarea țesutului adipos subcutanat și reconturând zonele afectate de pierderea volumului și lăsarea pielii odată cu înaintarea în vârstă.


Această abordare unică permite restabilirea fermității și supleței pielii, având efecte similare cu cele ale tratamentelor cu fillere, dar fără volumizarea excesivă​.

Unul dintre aspectele esențiale ale Profhilo Structura este efectul său biostimulator, ce favorizează producerea naturală de colagen și elastină. Astfel, pe lângă efectul vizibil imediat, tratamentul are și beneficii de durată, îmbunătățind în mod semnificativ calitatea pielii pe termen lung. Acest proces de bioremodelare aduce rezultate mai naturale și mai armonioase, păstrând trăsăturile individuale ale pacientului​.


Mai mult, Profhilo Structura oferă avantajul unui timp minim de recuperare, fiind o opțiune ideală pentru cei care își doresc rezultate estetice de lungă durată fără complicații.

Ce presupune procedura?

Profhilo Structura are un singur punct de administrare pe fiecare parte a feței. Acidul hialuronic se dispersează uniform, declanșând un proces de regenerare naturală a pielii.

Cui se adresează tratamentul Profhilo Structura?

Tratamentul Profhilo Structura este recomandat atât femeilor, cât și bărbaților care doresc să își îmbunătățească aspectul pielii fără a apela la proceduri invazive. Este ideal pentru persoanele care observă semne de îmbătrânire, precum pierderea fermității, lipsa de elasticitate și apariția ridurilor fine.


Totodată, Profhilo Structura este o opțiune excelentă pentru cei care își doresc hidratare intensă și un plus de revitalizare, indiferent de vârstă sau tipul de piele. Datorită formulei sale avansate, tratamentul este potrivit și pentru persoanele cu piele sensibilă sau uscată.


Consultă lista de prețuri pentru tratamentul cu acid hialuronic Profhilo Structura aici:

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The rhinoplasty procedure, performed by the Cronos Med Academy team of cosmetic surgeons, has an extraordinary price of €4,000.


Cronos Med Bucharest | Bacau

*Offer valid until 30 April 2022


Such an intervention is done if:
  • The nose is too small or too big in relation to the rest of the face
  • The nose has an asymmetrical shape
  • Nostrils are too wide
  • The tip of the nose is pointed or drooping
  • On the nose there is a protuberance
  • The septum is deviated, and the patient has trouble breathing


Following an initial consultation, Cronos Med plastic surgeon will recommend the appropriate technique to the patient, taking into account the patient's expectations.

Also during the initial consultation the doctor will examine the features of the face, as well as the outside and inside of the nose.


This examination will help the specialist to determine what changes are needed in the nose and whether the surgery will have an impact on respiratory function. After the consultation, based on the surgeon's recommendations, the patient can be scheduled for surgery.


The doctor may use a program to simulate the final shape of the nose so that the patient can get an idea of what the result will be. This simulation does not 100% conform to reality, but it can create an idea of what will be obtained after the operation.


At Cronos Med, rhinoplasty is performed under TIVA sedation anesthesia, with BIS monitoring, and its duration varies depending on the complexity of the case, approximately two to three hours. The patient is monitored throughout the operation by an anaesthetist.

To augment or smooth the deformities of the surface of the nose, the surgeon can use autologous cartilage grafts, which are taken from the septum (the inner wall of the nose that divides the two airways). If the necessary bone and cartilage reserves have already been removed, cartilage can be harvested from the ears or ribs.


Rhinoplasty can be accompanied by other cosmetic procedures to balance the facial features. If the chin is too small, the doctor may augment it with hyaluronic acid or a chin implant. Thus, the impression of a nose that is too large in relation to the other elements of the face disappears.


Secondary rhinoplasty is done if a nose job is needed, if the patient is not satisfied with the result. This can be done at least one year after the first operation.


After the operation, bed rest is recommended, keeping the head slightly elevated, above the chest, to reduce bleeding or swelling.


The patient may experience a stuffy nose due to inflammation, support splints placed inside the nose to keep the nasal passages clean or external bandages placed to protect the nose from accidental bumps.


All support systems will be removed seven to ten days after surgery.

Temporary swelling of the nose or bluish-black discoloration of the eyelids can last for up to three weeks after surgery. This is a normal effect and is not a cause for concern.


After three weeks, normal activities can be resumed, avoiding strenuous exercise, and after a few months, the nose can be exposed to direct sunlight. The final result and the shape of the nose can be evaluated one year after the operation, until the inflammation is completely gone.


Four top Cronos Med Academy surgeons are participating in the program:



SURGERY performed by Cronos Med Academy surgeons costs:


*Offer valid until 30 April 2022

What is rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is surgery to change the shape of the nose. This nose surgery can be done to improve breathing, to change the proportions and obtain a symmetrical nose or for any other functional or aesthetic reasons. This surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic operations and offers permanent results. In rhinoplasty surgery, the surgeon can operate on the bones of the nose, the cartilage, the skin, depending on the particularities and the results you want.

When is rhinoplasty indicated?

To find out if rhinoplasty is the right option for you, the first step is a thorough consultation with one of Cronos Med's surgeons. The doctor can recommend a nose surgery if you have breathing difficulties caused by a deviated septum or other peculiarities, if your nose has an asymmetrical shape or if various protuberances are present. This operation can also be performed for aesthetic reasons, if you are unhappy with the appearance and proportions of your nose. Our specialists in the field are prepared with the best advice and come to your aid with personalised solutions.

How does rhinoplasty surgery go?

After a careful examination, the Cronos Med surgeon will determine exactly which techniques can be applied. Rhinoplasty operation is performed under general anaesthesia. The surgeon will make the necessary incisions and changes to the bone and cartilage structure. Also during the rhinoplasty, the surgeon will correct the position of the nasal septum, if necessary. Then the incisions will be closed and the area will be bandaged appropriately. You will receive all the necessary instructions so that your recovery goes as smoothly as possible both before and after the operation.