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NutriGen™ from Fagron Genomics BV: analysis for weight management

By November 20, 2023#!31Tue, 19 Dec 2023 15:11:20 +0200p2031#31Tue, 19 Dec 2023 15:11:20 +0200p-3Europe/Bucharest3131Europe/Bucharestx31 19pm31pm-31Tue, 19 Dec 2023 15:11:20 +0200p3Europe/Bucharest3131Europe/Bucharestx312023Tue, 19 Dec 2023 15:11:20 +02001131112pmTuesday=314#!31Tue, 19 Dec 2023 15:11:20 +0200pEurope/Bucharest12#December 19th, 2023#!31Tue, 19 Dec 2023 15:11:20 +0200p2031#/31Tue, 19 Dec 2023 15:11:20 +0200p-3Europe/Bucharest31Europe/Bucharestx31#!31Tue, 19 Dec 2023 15:11:20 +0200pEurope/Bucharest12#No Comments
nutrigen test - cronosmed

In the age of information and advanced medical discoveries, NutriGen™ of the Fagron Genomics BV represents a step forward in the field of personalised nutrition, bringing to the fore the complex connections between genes, nutrition and health. This comprehensive article explores how NutriGen™ offers a personalised and advanced approach to weight management, highlighting the benefits of this analysis in promoting weight loss and maintaining optimal health.


NutriGenomics: a deep understanding of the gene-nutrition-health relationship

NutriGenomics, a branch of genomic science, focuses on the relationship between genes, nutrition and health. Overweight and obesity, now global health challenges, may contribute to increased risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and various cancers. In a world where personalized solutions are becoming the key to health success, NutriGen™ brings an innovative perspective to weight management.


NutriGen™ from Fagron Genomics BV: personalised treatment for weight loss

Fagron NutriGen™ doesn't just offer a general answer to weight management; it offers personalised treatment tailored to the genetic specificities of each individual. With a focus on exercise effectiveness, carbohydrate metabolism, risk of vitamin deficiencies and antioxidant capacity, NutriGen™ sits at the intersection of personal genetics and metabolic health.


Estimated processing time: 4-5 weeks waiting time

NutriGen™ brings the promise of nutrigenomics to life in a reasonable amount of time. The estimated processing time at Fagron is 4-5 weeks, during which time the saliva sample and patient questionnaire are analysed in the Fagron Genomics laboratory in Barcelona. This wait turns into an investment in personal health, with a complete and personalised report at the end.


Qualitative lifestyle recommendations and contributing factors

NutriGen™ goes beyond providing genetic data; it also comes with qualitative lifestyle recommendations and factors that can influence the resolution of overweight problems. From diet and exercise changes to stress management practices, NutriGen™ becomes a personalized guide to a healthy lifestyle.


Detailed genetic analysis: 384 genetic variations

The laboratory report generated by NutriGen™ analyses 384 genetic variations, highlighting key issues such as:


  • Morphological Genetics in Overweight Predisposition: Insights into the genetic structure that may contribute to overweight.
  • Metabolism of Fats, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Carbohydrates: An assessment of how the body metabolizes the various nutrient components.
  • Effectiveness of Physical Exercise: How the body responds to physical activity.
  • Inflammatory Processes: Identifying the level of inflammation and influence on weight.
  • Intolerances/Sensitivities: Identify possible food sensitivities.
  • Detoxification Process Imbalances: How the body manages detoxification.

Genetic compatibility with foods and supplements

Another revolutionary aspect of NutriGen™ is the analysis of the patient's genetic compatibility with different food groups and supplements. The report proposes a personalized diet plan from over 850 foods, generated by a complex algorithm based on individual genetics, clinical outcomes and artificial intelligence.



NutriGen™ from Fagron Genomics BV opens the door to a deeper understanding of personal genetics and its impact on weight management. With an advanced nutrigenomic approach, NutriGen™ not only identifies the underlying causes of overweight, but also proposes personalized solutions, turning the weight loss process into an individual and sustainable journey towards optimal health.

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