Regenerative medicine restores normal organ structure and function and is the process by which lost tissue is replaced by the proliferation of undamaged cells.


Fortunately, longevity medicine is becoming more and more popular in top medical clinics around the world. Today, regenerative medicine is no longer just a hope for the future, but a reality today.

What is regenerative medicine

Cronos Med introduces for the first time in Romania a 360° concept of regenerative medicine, through which it develops and offers its patients procedures and therapies that heal tissues and restore the body's proper functioning and balance.


Regenerative medicine involves the use of biological factors, from stem cells and growth factors to anti-inflammatory proteins and cytokines to repair, rejuvenate and regenerate. In this way, we can combat the opposite of regenerative medicine, i.e. degenerative diseases.

Medical and aesthetic treatment with regenerative cells

Cronos Med specialists perform regenerative cell therapies and biostimulation techniques. Cell therapies use your own cells, derived from fat or blood, to repair damaged tissue in the body.


Cronos Med, the network of surgery and aesthetic medicine clinics founded by Dr. Constantin Stan, offers patients a complete experience in regenerative anti-aging treatment. Through a preventive approach and by administering complex cellular treatment, we can restore areas where the degradation process has begun, thus supporting the body's rejuvenation.

The benefits of regenerative treatments at Cronos Med:

  • Restoring the immune system
  • Prevention of chronic diseases
  • Increased concentration, memory and attention span
  • Decreasing frame fatigue
  • Normalization of cellular energy and blood glucose levels
  • Improving sleep quality
  • Blood pressure management
  • Hormone level management
  • Decrease cellular stress, which causes autoimmune diseases
  • Tissue repair and regeneration
  • Improving the quality of skin and hair, muscles and joints

In Cronos Med clinics you will find outpatient treatments, one stop therapy, Fast Track sessions or 360 procedures, in house regenerative cell therapies for a younger and healthier body.


Before treatment, the Cronos Med team performs the first check-up for patients. We check stress levels, sleep quality, joint mobility and stability, health and metabolic functions, cellular energy levels. In combination with diet analysis, we create a health snapshot, which forms an individual context for the test results and therapeutic approach.

What the regenerative aesthetic medicine packages contain

Cronos Med therapeutic packages

1. BURNOUT SUPPORT ENERGY - a package of regenerative and complementary therapies to combat the effects of stress

The BurnOut Support Energy by Cronos Med package is designed to restore the body's functions. We recommend it for burnout syndrome, stress and insomnia.


BurnOut Support Energy Package (available in Cronos Med Herastrau and Cronos Med Brasov) consists of:


✓ Personalised medical consultation

✓ Medical check-ups and tests

✓ Six to eight therapeutic sessions 2/3 times a week

✓ Therapeutic sessions include Oxyven, IV Laser Therapy and intravenous treatments with nanomerized vitamins and Resveratrol, treatments with supplements prescribed based on individual medical analysis and indications.


What is the price of the BurnOut Support Energy Regenerative Medicine Package

The BurnOut Support Energy package is priced between 8.710 lei and 11.240 lei, depending on the number of recommended sessions.

2. CELLULAR DEEP DETOX - the package of regenerative therapies that remove toxins from the body

The Cellular Deep Detox by Cronos Med package is designed to remove toxins from the body, heavy metals and free radicals and increase cellular resistance, especially at the liver, kidney and brain level.


Cellular Deep Detox Package (available at Cronos Med Herastrau and Cronos Med Brasov) consists of:


✓ Personalised medical consultation

✓ Medical check-ups and tests

✓ Six to 12 therapeutic sessions 2/3 times a week

✓ Therapeutic sessions include Oxyven, IV Laser Therapy, intravenous vitamin treatments and Gluthatione, NAD+, injectable nutrient treatments based on individual medical analysis and indications


Optionally, Cronos Med team offers patients supportive therapies, such as external laser therapy for weight loss, personalized diet, cryosauna, detox massages, injectable lipolysis.


What is the price of the Cellular Deep Detox regenerative medicine package

The Cellular Deep Detox package is priced between 9.190 and 16.580 lei depending on the number of recommended sessions.

3. IMMUNE BOOST - strengthening the immune system with regenerative medicine

Immune Boost by Cronos Med is designed to protect and strengthen the immune system. It protects the body from infections, chronic diseases and supports healthy aging.


The Immune Boost package (available at Cronos Med Herastrau and Cronos Med Brasov) consists of:


✓ Personalised medical consultation

✓ Medical check-ups and tests

Six to eight therapeutic sessions 2/3 times a week

Therapeutic sessions include Oxyven, IV Laser Therapy, intravenous vitamin treatments and Gluthatione, NAD+, injectable vitamin D3 treatments based on individual medical analysis and indications.


Optionally, the Cronos Med team offers patients supportive therapies, such as cryosurgery and growth factor procedures.


What is the price of the Immune Boost regenerative medicine package

The Immune Boost package is priced between 11,200 and 12,700 lei.

4. TIME REVERSE - regenerative rejuvenation therapy package

The Time Reverse by Cronos Med package is designed to maintain a younger, more energetic body, to create beauty from the inside out.


The Time Reverse package (available at Cronos Med Herastrau and Cronos Med Brasov) consists of:


✓ Personalised medical consultation

✓ Medical check-ups and tests

Six to eight therapeutic sessions 2/3 times a week

Therapeutic sessions include Oxyven, IV Laser Therapy, intravenous treatments with vitamins and Gluthatione, Resveratrol, Coenzyme Q10, treatments with supplements based on individual medical analysis and indications.


What is the price of the Time Reverse regenerative medicine package

The Time Reverse package is priced from 15.610 lei, depending on the number of recommended sessions.

5. NEW ME 360 - regenerative medicine procedure with maximum effect on the whole body

The New Me 360 by Cronos Med package is a four to five day in-house package designed to regenerate the inside-out and enhance cellular health and physical beauty. We focus on restoring vital organ and tissue functions and the body's cellular vitality.


The New Me 360 package (available at Cronos Med Herastrau and Cronos Med Brasov) consists of:


✓ Personalised medical consultation

✓ Medical check-ups and tests

Providing 4 to 5 days of regenerative treatments.

PRP therapies - growth factor therapies using platelet-rich plasma. This form of regenerative medicine harnesses the functions of platelets to revitalise tissues. The procedure involves harvesting your own blood and re-injecting it after processing.

 Intravenous oxygenation, endovenous laser therapy, IV drips, growth factor therapies, facial and scalp mesotherapy, SVF therapies, facial terpies, phyllo, botulinum toxin, lipolysis, body therapies, slimming lasers, anti-cellulite and drainage treatments, custom creams and supplements, stimulation therapies, Oxyven, Weber intravenous laser therapy IV Alkaline drip, IV CoQ10, treatments with supplements based on individual medical analysis and indications


What is the price of the New Me 360 regenerative medicine package?

The New Me 360 package starts at 51.354 lei and varies according to the therapies recommended in the program.

6. FAST TRACK - the package of regenerative therapies that balance the body's vitamin and mineral requirements

The Fast Track by Cronos Med package means one-stop regenerative therapies, designed to improve the well-being, energy and tone of patients, providing the body's necessary vitamins and minerals.


Fast Track Package (Cronos Med Herastrau and Cronos Med Brasov) consists of:


✓ Personalised medical consultation

Medical check up

Intravenous therapies with nanomerized vitamins, Oxyven, IV laser therapy, treatments with supplements based on individual medical analysis and indications


What is the price of the Fast Track regenerative medicine package

The Fast Track package is priced between 1,510 and 4,550 lei depending on the treatments and sessions recommended in the personalized packages.

What tests are required for regenerative treatments in Cronos Med clinics

The following set of tests (which can also be performed in Cronos Med clinics) is required for Regenerative Medicine packages:


Complete blood count

*number of leukocytes/white cells

*number of erythrocytes/red cells

*Hemoglobin concentration (g/L)

*hematocrit (% red blood cells)

*erythrocyte indices.

  • MEV = mean erythrocyte volume
  • HEM = mean erythrocyte haemoglobin
  • RDW = erythrocyte distribution width
  • CHEM = mean haemoglobin concentration

*platelet count and platelet indices

  • MTV = mean thrombocyte volume
  • PDW = platelet distribution width

*leukocyte formation (lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, eosinophils, neutrophils)

*+/- reticulocyte count



*DD = Quantitative D-dimers

*Fibrinogen (coagulation factor I)*

*PI = Prothrombin Index *INR = International Normalized Ratio

*APTT = activated partial thromboplastin time


Endocrine panel

*TSH Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

*T3 Triiodothyronine

*T4 Thyroxine

*FT3 Free triiodothyronine

*FT4 Free thyroxine


Lipid profile
  • Total cholesterol
  • HDL cholesterol
  • CholesterolLDL
  • Fatty acids
  • Triglyceride
Blood glucose
  • Blood glucose (serum glucose)
  • HbA1C = Glycated haemoglobin
Inflammatory markers
  • Fibrinogen*
  • VSH = Sedimentation velocity of hematite
  • CRP = C-reactive protein


  • Vitamin D - hydroxy
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Serum sodium
  • Potassium
  • Chlorine


Liver profile
  • AST Aspartateminotransferase
  • ALT Alanine aminotransferase
  • Albumin
  • Alkaline Phosphatase
  • Bilirubin
  • GGT Gamma - glutamyltransferase


Kidney profile
  • Urea
  • Creatinine
  • Uric Acid

In addition, Cronos Med's regenerative procedures will also include genetic testing such as TeloTest - Fagron telomere analysis, NutriGen - Fagron nutrigenetic test, AcneTest - Fagron genetic test or TrichoTest - Fagron genetic test.


Find out more about each of these genetic tests:





Find out more about regenerative medicine:


the main actor of the PRP

Cytokine - ACRS

Regenerative cells

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