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Breast reduction surgery, also known as breast reduction mastopexy, has emerged as a solution for women who face various health and lifestyle problems (severe back pain, respiratory problems, inability to find the right size of clothes, inability to perform sports at a certain level, etc.) as a result of bust development.
For many years, breast augmentation surgery (silicone implants) has been at the top of the list of cosmetic surgeries, a procedure that women resort to either when they want a larger bust or when they need to correct the shape of their breasts or for breast reconstruction (as often happens after a mastectomy, for example).

At the opposite pole is reduction mastopexy, which completes the list of aesthetic operations that can play an important role in body health and achieving balanced proportions.


Cronos Med supports the correct information of all those interested in such an intervention, so, if you want to discover more details on this topic, we have prepared below a complete guide about what breast reduction surgery involves, under what conditions it is done and what problems it solves, but also what are its costs.


In short, breast reduction surgery is indicated in cases of breast hypertrophy, which results in excessive breast development. When their volume is much larger in comparison to the body proportions, with the anatomical structure of a woman, various problems and discomforts can occur, from spinal pain to breathing difficulties.


Also, when the breasts are very large and very heavy in relation to the patient's body morphology, their tissues become increasingly sensitive and lose their elasticity, which leads to the appearance of breast ptosis (sagging breasts).


Breast reduction surgery is intended to reduce the volume of the breasts by removing excess tissue, followed by restoring the shape and contour of the breast and repositioning the breast areola (that external portion of skin, in a circular shape, which surrounds the nipple), so that the final result is harmonious, according to the patient's body.


Breast reduction (or reduction mammoplasty) can solve both aesthetic problems and issues related to the patient's health and comfort. Therefore, this surgery is recommended in the following situations:
  • The breasts are much too large and bulky in relation to the patient's anatomical structure, their weight causing back, neck or shoulder pain, spinal complications;
  • Maintaining a correct posture is hampered by large breasts;
  • The breasts are very heavy and saggy, with the nipple and areola drooping downwards;
  • The breasts are asymmetrical (and the size difference between them is significant);
  • Breathing is hindered because of the very large breasts, which press on the rib cage;
  • The person's mobility and speed of reaction are reduced due to the large volume of the breasts, which can especially affect the long-term performance of athletes.


Specifically, the breast reduction surgery lasts about 3-4 hours and consists of incising the breasts to extract excess tissue and reduce the volume.

There are several surgical techniques that can be used, depending on the size of the breasts and their degree of sagging. Among the most popular types of incision are:
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Incision type "anchor".

As the name suggests, it is shaped like an anchor, starting at the areola and descending perpendicular to the breast crease, where a horizontal incision is made;

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The "lollipop" or "key" incision.

It is made around the areola and then descends perpendicular to the crease of the breast;

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Periareolar or "doughnut" incision.

This is done when we are talking about a minimal or medium degree breast ptosis and involves incision around the perimeter of the areola;

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They are made with a large needle, with which the excess fat is extracted. It is important to note that micro-incisions are recommended for fatty breasts rather than for very loose breasts, for which the above procedures are indicated, which also help to reposition the nipple and areola to obtain a beautiful bust, according to body proportions.


Pre-operative consultation and blood tests are key steps before any surgery, and the rule applies to breast reduction mammoplasty. At this stage, the doctor may also recommend imaging investigations (ultrasound and mammography) to ensure that the patient's health is good and that there are no contraindications.

It is also important for the specialist to know the patient's medical history, the conditions she has experienced (both her and her family), as well as the treatments followed until then.

Moreover, there are some essential preoperative recommendations that every woman should take into account before a breast reduction surgery:
  • Avoiding foods and substances that over-stimulate blood circulation at least one week before surgery to prevent excessive bleeding and blood clots. This category includes alcohol and aspirin (and its derivatives);
  • Stopping the contraceptive pills 6 weeks before the operation (and possibly other pills you are taking, depending on the doctor's recommendation);
  • If necessary, smoking cessation at least one month before surgery is another rule to be observed;
  • Avoiding sports and strenuous exercise before surgery, to avoid overstraining the chest and shoulder area;
  • Maintaining a stable weight. If the patient is planning to lose weight, it would be better to do this some time before the operation, so as not to affect the outcome of the operation.

In addition, it is good to know that, before any breast reshaping surgery, a consultation sheet must be filled out, which includes both personal data and questions about the patient's lifestyle and medical history (from previous surgeries to the reasons for wanting this cosmetic procedure).


After any surgery, postoperative care plays an essential role in healing the remaining signs and achieving the best results. Thus, there are some tips that any patient who has undergone a reduction mastopexy should keep in mind:

  • In the week after the operation, which should be spent in bed, it is necessary to use pillows (under the legs, under the arms and under the back) to lift the torso and reduce the pressure in the operated area;
  • Then they should avoid showers, hot baths and saunas for about a month after the operation and wash the incised area only with a soft sponge until the wounds close completely;
  • The support bandage will be worn until the first post-operative check-up, when the surgical threads are usually removed;
  • Physically demanding activities and exercises should be avoided during the first 2-3 months after surgery. On the other hand, during the week of bed rest, the patient should move her arms and legs as often as possible to prevent blood clots in the limbs;
  • The patient should be patient in terms of the healing process, because in a maximum of six months she will be able to resume all activities, including those that previously seemed impossible because of the very large size of the breasts.


Like any other surgery, reduction mammoplasty can be followed by possible complications:
  • Postoperative pain. At Cronos Med we put the safety and comfort of our patients first, so such an operation is very little (if any) painful;
  • Tissue inflammation. Any surgery also involves a greater or lesser swelling of the tissues, but this generally disappears after 2-4 weeks;
  • Postoperative infection. It occurs quite rarely and can be prevented by following pre and postoperative indications and hygiene rules. Depending on the type of infection, the doctor may recommend drainage or antibiotics;
  • Bleeding or formation of blood cysts. In case of significant blood accumulation, aspiration and drainage are indicated;
  • Faulty healing. In the first stage of healing, when the tissues are still very sensitive, the scar may open or partially close due to pressure in the wound. The phenomenon often occurs around the nipple or in the breast fold area, and is a complication that involves either further surgery to close the incision completely or local treatment applied throughout the postoperative period;
  • Anaesthetic risk. Like many other surgeries, breast reduction surgery is also performed under general anaesthesia, so possible risks should be discussed with the anaesthetist;
  • Sensitivity of the operated area. In the postoperative period, another complication may be increased sensitivity in the incised area, a feeling of discomfort or numbness felt especially in the first weeks after surgery;
  • Damage to the nipple vasculature. During surgery, the nipple vasculature may be totally or partially affected, which contributes to necrosis of the nipple areola and requires further surgery to reconstruct the system;
  • Breast asymmetry. Following breast reduction, a postoperative asymmetry of shape and volume or positioning of the nipple may occur, which is more noticeable after the swelling recedes, in which case a surgical correction is required.


When it comes to cosmetic and therapeutic surgery, it is important to choose a competent and empathetic surgeon, for an excellent doctor-patient interaction from the consultation stage, as well as a clinic recognized for the quality of services offered.
At Cronos Med you will enjoy a humane approach and all the conditions for a safe and comfortable experience will be provided. Breast reduction surgery is


and the results are long-lasting, as long as you don't go through too much weight fluctuation or pregnancy.

What is reduction mastopexy?

Breast reduction surgery is also called reduction mastopexy and is a procedure that removes breast tissue, fat and skin from the breasts to achieve the desired appearance. This cosmetic procedure is aimed at women who are experiencing various health and lifestyle issues. It is recommended for people who have back pain due to the weight of their breasts, have respiratory problems or are unable to perform sports at the desired level. The procedure is also indicated for those who want a different look and a bust better proportioned to the rest of the body.

What are the medical recommendations for the procedure?

Before making any medical decisions about your body, you should consult with a cosmetic surgeon who specialises in the desired procedure. This way you will benefit from a thorough consultation and all the information you need before the operation, but also afterwards, during the healing phase. Before a reduction mastopexy, it is recommended that you undergo a series of tests to indicate that you are medically prepared. Moreover, aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs should be avoided before the operation. Smoking should be stopped at least one month beforehand, and contraceptive pills six weeks before the operation.

What are the possible complications after reduction mastopexy?

Any surgery can bring with it possible complications, as is the case with reduction mastopexy. Among these we can list tissue inflammation which is a natural consequence of the surgery and disappears after the first 2-4 weeks. We can also talk about the formation of blood clots, in which case aspiration and drainage are recommended. Before surgery it is good to have a discussion with the anaesthetist about the possible risks of general anaesthesia on the patient. In the first weeks after the operation, there may be some tenderness in the breasts, which may be manifested by discomfort or slight numbness.

What is reduction mastopexy?

Breast reduction surgery is also called reduction mastopexy and is a procedure that removes breast tissue, fat and skin from the breasts to achieve the desired appearance. This cosmetic procedure is aimed at women who are experiencing various health and lifestyle issues. It is recommended for people who have back pain due to the weight of their breasts, have respiratory problems or are unable to perform sports at the desired level. The procedure is also indicated for those who want a different look and a bust better proportioned to the rest of the body.

What are the medical recommendations for the procedure?

Before making any medical decisions about your body, you should consult with a cosmetic surgeon who specialises in the desired procedure. This way you will benefit from a thorough consultation and all the information you need before the operation, but also afterwards, during the healing phase. Before a reduction mastopexy it is recommended that you have a series of tests to indicate that you are medically prepared. Furthermore, aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs should be avoided before surgery. Smoking should be stopped at least one month beforehand, and contraceptive pills six weeks before the operation.

What are the possible complications after reduction mastopexy?

Any surgery can bring with it possible complications, as in the case of reduction mastopexy. Among these we can mention the tissue swelling which is a natural post-operative consequence and disappears after the first 2-4 weeks. We can also talk about the formation of blood clots, in which case aspiration and drainage are recommended. Before surgery it is good to have a discussion with the anaesthetist about the possible risks of general anaesthesia on the patient. In the first weeks after the operation, there may be some tenderness in the breasts, which may be manifested by discomfort or slight numbness.

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