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Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

Feminine, sensual lips in harmony with facial features are the dream of many women. If you are one of them, we are waiting for you in our clinics. The hyaluronic acid lip augmentation procedure, performed by experienced doctors, can provide the desired results.

What is hyaluronic acid lip augmentation?

Recontouring and hydrating the lips with hyaluronic acid is one of the most desired and requested injectable procedures in aesthetic medicine.


Small, large, thin, heart-shaped or round, our lips define not only our appearance and attractiveness. They are synonymous with youth and beauty, and their appearance boosts self-confidence.


With age, but also due to dehydration, loss of collagen and elastin in the skin, lips also lose volume and contour. Because we are talking about a sensitive area, the injector's experience, practice and techniques are extremely important.

Types of hyaluronic acid for lips

Types of hyaluronic acid for lips - cronos med

Each patient is unique, therefore the product offer on the market includes several types of hyaluronic acid for lips: more viscous or more fluid, smaller or larger molecule. At Cronos Med we use the highest quality products from the Juvederm and Restylane range.


To find out exactly what suits you, we welcome you to our clinics for a consultation, after which you will receive a personalised recommendation, mentioning the type of hyaluronic acid used and the amount needed to achieve the best result.


Make an appointment now!

Benefits of hyaluronic acid for lip augmentation

Injecting hyaluronic acid into the lips primarily gives a more balanced appearance to the face. The procedure is quick, painless and the results are remarkable. The procedure is indicated when:

  • You have dry, thin, lifeless lips
  • You want full, moisturized, contoured lips
  • You want to correct small asymmetries
  • You want a harmonious relationship between your upper and lower lip

Hyaluronic acid injection procedure in the lips

Lip enhancement is done with a very fine needle to minimise the impact on the skin. Hyaluronic acid is administered in minute amounts at predetermined points during the medical assessment. Lip reshaping can also be performed with a special cannula, horizontally along the lip contour line. For the patient's comfort, an anaesthetic cream is applied before the therapy, so that the procedure is more comfortable.


The duration of the procedure varies between 15 - 30 minutes.


Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid is not indicated:

  • If you have an infection in the mouth area;
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding;
  • If you suffer from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or myasthenia gravis;
  • If you have any severe, chronic, infectious disease.

Recovery time for lip augmentation procedure

The post-treatment recovery period is two to three days. During this time, the area will be more swollen, with minor oedema, possibly with small bruising at the injection sites. Alcohol and salty or spicy foods are not allowed, nor is exposure to heat or sauna.

Risks after hyaluronic acid injection for lips

Injecting hyaluronic acid into the lips is considered a safe procedure and the risks are minor:


  • Little local bleeding;
  • Local discomfort or tenderness;
  • Asymmetries or filler migration (in very rare cases).

During the consultation, Cronos Med specialists can give you all the details about the procedure, its potential risks and the means to prevent them.


The results are visible both after the procedure, but especially after the disappearance of the inflammation of the first days. Results can last up to 9-12 months post-treatment.


See the price list for hyaluronic acid lip augmentation here:

Herastrau | Victoria | Bacau | Iasi | Brasov | Constanta | Timisoara

What are the risks and contraindications of lip augmentation?

The lip augmentation procedure is considered safe. Its risks are discomfort and local oedema and, in rare cases, the appearance of asymmetries due to filler migration. Your doctor may consider it better to postpone the procedure if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or if there is a local or general infection.

How much does it cost to inject hyaluronic acid into the lips?

How much does it cost to inject hyaluronic acid in the lips depends on the particular case of each patient. When it comes to hyaluronic acid lips, 1 ml of Juvederm or Restylane brand acid is 1800 lei. For an accurate assessment of the total cost, schedule a consultation at Cronos Med clinics.

What to do after hyaluronic acid injection in the lips?

After hyaluronic acid injection in the lips, it is recommended to avoid exercise for 48-72 hours to avoid bruising. Extreme temperatures, sauna or sunbathing should also be avoided. Hydrate properly, especially during the first two days after the injection, and avoid eating very salty foods. You can use cold water or ice packs to speed up the healing process. Avoid travelling by plane during the first 5 days after the injection.

Is hyaluronic acid lip augmentation permanent?

The results of the lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid are visible 2 to 3 days after treatment, once the small local oedema has completely disappeared and persist for 9 to 12 months.


Schedule a consultation with a specialist from the Cronos Med team, for a personalized solution!

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