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LPG Alliance: Advanced Body Contouring

what it entails, what the costs are and what the benefits are

We all want to shed unwanted pounds and reshape our bodies without having to put too much effort. Although the device to help us lose weight suddenly, overnight, has not yet been invented, there is a solution that comes very close to this desire of many of us.


The LPG Alliance is one such solution that, besides helping you to reshape your body, has many other advantages.


The LPG Alliance is an innovative skin stimulation technique that aims to intensify latent cellular tissue activity. The method is 100% natural, non-invasive and does not involve any risks for people undergoing this treatment.


For the success of the operation, Cronos Med specialists use the new LPG®, a revolutionary device, equipped with a motorised flap and a sequential suction roller, both combined to stimulate the tissue, the area on which it acts, in the most efficient way possible.


This technique of cell stimulation by mechanotransduction was developed in 1986 by the Frenchman Louis Paul Guitay, with the aim of treating burns and then smoothing scar tissue. Although this was not the main purpose of the device, it was soon discovered that the invention was also extremely effective in combating cellulite.

Today, millions of people around the world enjoy this technology which, although improved, retains the concept invented by the French engineer.


LPG technology is designed to make the most of your skin's natural potential to stimulate adipocytes (fat cells), which facilitate the release of fat in a way that is 100% natural, non-invasive and completely safe for your skin.


The new LPG machine combines a series of revolutionary technologies, namely the motorised roller, motorised flap and synchronised sequential suction, which mobilise tissue in all dimensions to provide an effective, yet pleasant treatment.


Before starting the procedure, the patient will have to wear a special suit made of polyamide microfibre, a very fine material that allows the skin to breathe. The suit, which fits snugly over the body, is important as it eases the movement of the rollers and prevents blood vessels from dilating and bruising.


During the procedure, the therapist will perform endermological massage on the entire tissue, with a special focus on areas at high risk of cellulite deposits, such as the abdomen, buttocks or thighs.


Also in this procedure, the motorized rollers of the machine will successively fold and unfold the skin, restoring its tone and firmness, and the first results can be seen after only 3 sessions.


LPG treatment is personalized and is determined according to the needs of each patient. It should also be mentioned that the way the body reacts to the treatment can greatly influence the results.


Thus, in some people, the effects of the treatment can be seen from the first sessions, while in others, the results will appear at the fourth session. However, it is a certainty that all people who undergo LPG treatment will enjoy its benefits sooner or later.


At Cronos Med we make sure that you get the best results and thus, we alternate LPG treatment with cryolipolysis, a completely non-invasive procedure based on cryogenics technology, which freezes and removes fat cells, i.e. fat blocks that could not be removed by the LPG procedure.


You can also opt for an ultrasound facelift session, performed with the Ultraformer III machine, which is extremely useful to restore firmness to the areas located above the knees and on the inner thighs, as well as on the arms.

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Although the number of sessions required to achieve results differs from person to person, a basic package involves 10 sessions over a period of 2-3 weeks. After achieving the desired results, it is recommended to follow maintenance sessions at least once every two weeks.

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On average, a procedure takes about an hour, but this period can be extended depending on the particular needs of each patient. Also, if, after the LPG treatment, cryolipolysis or an ultrasound facelift session is needed, the time spent at the clinic will reach almost two hours.


LPG is the most effective non-surgical technology to fight cellulite and tone the skin, and its spectacular results are confirmed by the millions of people who have tried the procedure so far. Here are the main advantages of LPG treatment.

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The LPG method is medically certified for the treatment of cellulite, and the device acts on all stages of adipose tissue formation and contributes to:

  • Activates microcirculation and increases the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the skin;
  • Eliminate water retention, increasing lymphatic drainage by up to 300%;
  • Elimination of fat pockets trapped between the fibrous septa, a process called lipolysis;
  • Stimulates collagen and elastin production in the body, reducing fibrosis;
  • Detoxification and elimination of metabolic waste.

After following the necessary sessions, you will get rid of the visible effects of cellulite, but in the tissue under the skin the pathological process will continue and that's why you need one maintenance session every two weeks at most.

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A full LPG treatment can provide up to 71% more firmness and elasticity to the skin, as long as the effort is sustained. To maintain your skin's firmness, you need to moisturise properly, avoid prolonged sun exposure, use mineral scrubs and exercise.

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LPG treatment eliminates pockets of fat trapped between the fibrous septa, a process called lipolysis. This fat is resistant to diet or sport and therefore requires LPG treatment to remove it.

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LPG treatment has the advantage of working on several levels, as it is highly customizable. Thus, the technology can be used to treat several areas of the body, such as: waist, hips, arms, thighs, calves and knees.

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Feeling heavy feet is very unpleasant and often prevents us from carrying out our daily activities. It is especially common in women who often wear high heels or people who spend most of the day standing.

With LPG treatment, lymphatic drainage is performed, which removes interstitial fluid from the tissues. After just a few sessions, the patient's tone will be much better, they will feel full of energy and the fluid that has accumulated in the lower limbs will be eliminated. The treatment will also stimulate blood circulation in the body, proving extremely useful for people who experience poor circulation in the hands and feet.

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Collagen is a protein substance, naturally produced by the body, which has a very important role in cell regeneration. However, after the age of 27, the natural production of collagen begins to decline and after the age of 30, this becomes visible in the skin.

The LPG Alliance platform also provides patients with the work end for facial therapy. This is called LPG Mobilift and is, like the body treatment, 100% natural, it reactivates the body's collagen production and provides a natural glowing and elastic effect. Results can be seen even after the first treatment session and will continue to improve after each therapy session. Thus, the skin will regain its density and wrinkles will be naturally faded.


Unlike other similar procedures, LPG treatment has no age limit and is suitable for both men and women. It is also suitable for pregnant women.


Although suitable for most people, LPG treatment is not for everyone. People with circulatory problems, who experience infections, skin wounds or haematological diseases (blood diseases) should discuss with their LPG specialist before the procedure. He or she will decide if the procedure is suitable for the person or, if necessary, recommend a visit to another specialist.


The LPG ALLIANCE system is available at Cronos Med Herastrau and Timisoara, and a session starts from:

320 lei

What is body contouring with LPG ALLIANCE?

LPG Alliance is an innovative skin stimulation technique that helps to reshape the body by enhancing latent cellular tissue activity. Based on endermological treatment, this device is able to work on isolated areas of the body such as the abdomen, waist, back, arms or thighs. This test stimulation technique is 100% natural, non-invasive and non-aggressive. The treatment activates cellular metabolism and helps to reduce the fat layer, as well as treating the skin for an improved appearance.

What are the benefits of body contouring with LPG ALLIANCE?

An enviable body is always the result of effective efforts or treatments capable of delivering the expected results. And the LPG Alliance comes with a number of benefits that can help you shape your body the way you want. Benefits include eliminating fat by stimulating slimming cells and reactivating natural fat release. It also helps to eliminate cellulite and the feeling of heavy legs. The skin's rejuvenating cells, called fibroblasts, are stimulated to produce collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, making the skin firmer. This technique can successfully help you lose inches, improve the appearance of your skin and reshape your body to your liking.

What is the duration of the body contouring process?

It's good to know that even with the LPG Alliance, results vary depending on your daily lifestyle and the characteristics of your body. Once the treatment starts you will notice changes after the first session. From the third session onwards the orange-peel appearance of the skin will begin to diminish, as will the centimetres. Over time, the skin becomes visibly firmer and the slimming process begins to take its normal course. In the basic package, a series of 10 sessions of 60 minutes each is recommended over a period of 2-3 weeks. However, depending on your individual needs, our specialists can recommend longer sessions or, on the contrary, shorter series.

What is body contouring with LPG ALLIANCE?

LPG Alliance is an innovative skin stimulation technique that helps to reshape the body by enhancing latent cellular tissue activity. Based on endermological treatment, this device is able to work on isolated areas of the body such as the abdomen, waist, back, arms or thighs. This test stimulation technique is 100% natural, non-invasive and non-aggressive. The treatment activates cellular metabolism and helps to reduce the fat layer, as well as treating the skin for an improved appearance.

What are the benefits of body contouring with LPG ALLIANCE?

An enviable body is always the result of effective efforts or treatments capable of delivering the expected results. And LPG Alliance comes with a number of benefits that can help you shape your body the way you want. Benefits include eliminating fat by stimulating fat cells and reactivating natural fat release. It also helps to eliminate cellulite and the feeling of heavy legs. The skin's rejuvenating cells, called fibroblasts, are stimulated to produce collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, making the skin firmer. This technique can successfully help you lose inches, improve the appearance of your skin and reshape your body to your liking.

What is the duration of the body contouring process?

It is good to know that even in the case of LPG Alliance Results vary depending on your daily lifestyle and the characteristics of your body. Once you start treatment you will notice changes after the first session. From the third session onwards the orange-peel appearance of the skin will start to diminish, as will the centimetres. Over time, the skin becomes visibly firmer and the slimming process begins to take its normal course. In the basic package, a series of 10 sessions of 60 minutes each is recommended over a period of 2-3 weeks. However, depending on your individual needs, our specialists can recommend longer sessions or, on the contrary, shorter series.

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