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4D liposculpture, performed at Cronos Med using the Body Jet system, is a surgical intervention with an aesthetic role, mainly, but its effects can be visible in the long term on the general state of health. The procedure is recommended for people with hereditary deposits of adipose tissue, without severe conditions or manifestations associated with diabetes or coronary disease.


In the following, we present a brief guide to this innovative type of liposculpture and a breakdown of its most important effects.


The procedure can be applied to areas of skin with high elasticity, such as the arms, thighs, hips, back of the knees, chest, abdomen, buttocks, back and even the neck or neckline.


The amount of fat removed by liposuction varies depending on the volume of fat tissue or the particular appearance of the targeted area. Liposuction is not recommended in the umbilicus, lumbar flanks or the region adjacent to the hypochondrium.


In addition to achieving body contouring, liposuction can improve a patient's long-term health. Among the many procedures with cosmetic effects, the removal of excess subcutaneous fat is beneficial for the following conditions:

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A chronic skin condition similar in appearance to cellulite, lipoedema differs from cellulite in its ability to spread to the calves, ankles and arms. An even more important difference that lipoedema manifests is the sensation of acute pain, which affects freedom of movement in the long term. The symptoms associated with this disease also include swelling of the legs or the appearance of swelling or bruising, which amplifies the feeling of fatigue associated with any effort. Depending on the degree to which it affects the skin, lipoedema is divided into five stages of clinical evolution, from the one in which the patient feels small nodules on the skin to the critical stage of skin deformation and deep damage to nodules and lymphatic vessels.

Despite the general perception, lipoedema also affects men, and of the total number of people suffering from this condition, it accounts for about 2%. Lipoedema occurs both hereditarily and with age. The intensity of the effects of this condition varies from body to body, but a high-fat diet and a sedentary lifestyle can accentuate it. 4D water-assisted liposculpture is the procedure that has proven to be the most effective in the treatment of lipoedema. By atraumatically suctioning the fat in a very short period of time using Body-Jet technology, blood vessels, nerves and cells remain intact and recovery time is greatly reduced. Moreover, by using the technology available at Cronos Med, fat cells are not damaged and can be reused for quality lipofilling.

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This skin health problem is characterised by the accumulation of fatty and fibrous tissue in the subcutaneous area. People who suffer most often from lipohypertrophy are patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. A simple palpation can reveal areas of irregularity, extending over an area of at least 2 cm, as well as a sensation of hard skin with pronounced resistance to pressure.

The decision to intervene on this condition through liposuction usually comes amid worsening symptoms or following ineffective lipohypertrophy prevention methods. Frequently changing the injection site or insulin catheter insertion site may not work, and the use of creams does not always give the expected effect. Thus, the reduction of swelling can be achieved by a fat removal procedure using Body-Jet WAL (Water Assisted Liposuction) technology, with a gentle and effective action on the areas affected by lipohypertrophy.


As with many other medical procedures, advances in technology and the discovery of new techniques are important to achieve the desired results. Specifically, it is a continuous process of research. Thus, after going through the stages of classic technologies such as dry liposuction, ultrasound-assisted liposuction or laser-assisted liposuction, the aesthetic treatment of excess accumulated fat is approached from the perspective of an innovative procedure: 4D liposculpture. It combines state-of-the-art technology with the precision of surgery, with palpable results obtained quickly and safely.

Based on Body-Jet WAL (Water Assisted Liposuction) technology, which involves performing water-assisted liposuction, 4D liposculpture involves extracting fat cells with unprecedented precision, without damaging blood vessels, lymph vessels and nerves. This significantly reduces the risk of complications. In addition, the use of a smaller amount of infiltration solution with 70% than with conventional procedures helps reduce stress on the cells. Moreover, 4D liposculpture offers the possibility of aspirating the fat tissue without destroying the cell itself, which further allows a faster and better quality lipolifting compared to that obtained by classical liposuction.

Extracted directly from the special LipoCollector container used in the 4D liposculpture procedure, the fat cells in the skin tissue are rapidly decanted. Thus, only those of good quality that have not been damaged by aspiration are reused in the lipofilling procedure. The procedure can be performed under general or local anaesthesia, and its atraumatic nature is a guarantee of painlessness.


An initial consultation, then a full set of tests specified by the doctor and a pre-anaesthetic consultation are required before the procedure is scheduled. Taking aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs at least two weeks before liposuction is prohibited. If you use birth control pills, it is advisable to consult your gynaecologist to ensure that you can continue taking them. Also, after evaluating the results of the paraclinical examination, your doctor may make other recommendations.


The duration of this procedure varies between one hour and four hours, depending on its complexity, and can be done at the same time as other aesthetic procedures, such as mastopexy or breast augmentation, and, as mentioned above, the extracted fat cells can be used for tissue regeneration through lipofilling. When the operation is recommended to be performed under general anaesthesia, you should know that it is necessary to stay overnight in our clinic in order to closely monitor the post-operative evolution by qualified personnel. The operation will be performed using a water-assisted suction device in the form of a tube, called a cannula, whose characteristics comply with Body-Jet technology.


The cannula has been specially designed to perform a gentle liposuction through hydrodissection of tissues, a unique procedure that guarantees both a minimum of discomfort and the possibility that intact fat cells are harvested in the best conditions. The mechanical force during liposuction provided by the water jet is moderate, and the ease with which the equipment is used by Cronos Med specialists guarantees both precision and increased comfort for the patient.


In the case of 4D liposculpture, the recovery period will be greatly accelerated by appropriate compression therapy. It will be necessary to wear a postoperative compression garment to maintain the elasticity of the muscles, prevent fluid build-up and maintain mobility. It should be worn for four to six weeks, but normal activity can be resumed within a few days of surgery. When choosing the compression garment, it is essential to pay attention to the measurement chart, the shape of the accessory and its dimensions, provided by Cronos Med specialists.

Being an atraumatic technique, the recovery period is short and the post-operative pain is minimal. Due to the quality of the harvested fat, for procedures where it is used for augmentation or as a tissue regeneration procedure due to the STEM cells in the harvested fat, 4D liposculpture is free of undesirable post-operative results, as is sometimes the case with conventional methods.


Being an atraumatic procedure, 4D liposculpture, performed in Cronos Med clinic, is painless and the use of water jet offers a quick recovery period without complications. Thus, the risks of traditional procedures, such as bruising, swelling and irregular contours or even allergic reactions or skin burns are greatly reduced. At the same time, through complementary treatments such as reshaping massage, these inconveniences are further limited, so that the body shape is adjusted in the best possible way.


At Cronos Med you will have a detailed initial consultation so that the doctor understands your needs. The cost of the procedure differs depending on the complexity and the number of areas undergoing the procedure:

Liposuction: from 3.350 € |
4D Liposculpture: from €3,850

What is 4D Liposculpture?

Unlike traditional liposuction, 4D liposculpture is a surgical alternative based on a minimally invasive approach. We are talking about an aesthetic surgery recommended for people who want to remove fat deposits located subcutaneously in various areas of the body. This procedure reduces the number of adipocytes in the targeted area without affecting the amount of fat located in other areas of the body. The fat is removed using specific instruments containing liposuction cannulas of various sizes. They reach the fat deposits through small incisions of 2-4 mm and are connected to vacuum pumps that suck out excess fat.

What are the benefits of 4D liposculpture?

It is important to know that 4D liposculpture is not a weight loss method, but a body contouring procedure. It is recommended that for any weight loss solution you contact a qualified doctor who can advise you according to your body's specific needs. Removing fat through this intervention comes with a number of benefits: rapid improvement in the appearance of the skin, but also the elimination of localized fat test. Such a procedure can also prove beneficial in the case of conditions such as lipoedema or lipohypertrophy.

What are the recommendations before surgery?

Before 4D liposculpture, it is good to know that you have to take into account a series of recommendations from the specialists that you must take into account. Before the procedure is scheduled, you will schedule a preliminary consultation and then undergo a series of specific tests indicated by your doctor. At least two weeks before the operation it is contraindicated to take aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs to avoid excessive bleeding. In the case of smokers, they must give up this habit at least two weeks before and at least two weeks after the operation. As for women, it is good to know that this kind of surgery must take place outside the menstrual period and strict diets or taking contraceptives at least 6 months before surgery are forbidden.

What is 4D Liposculpture?

Unlike classic liposuction, 4D liposculpture is a surgical alternative based on a minimally invasive approach. We are talking about an aesthetic surgery recommended for people who want to remove fat deposits located subcutaneously in various areas of the body. This procedure reduces the number of adipocytes in the targeted area without affecting the amount of fat located in other areas of the body. The fat is removed using specific instruments containing liposuction cannulas of various sizes. They reach the fat deposits through small incisions of 2-4 mm and are connected to vacuum pumps that suck out excess fat.

What are the benefits of 4D liposculpture?

It is important to know that 4D liposculpture is not a weight loss method, but a body contouring procedure. It is recommended that for any weight loss solution you contact a qualified doctor who can advise you according to your body's specific needs. Removing fat through this intervention comes with a number of benefits: rapid improvement in the appearance of the skin, but also the elimination of localized fat test. Such a procedure can also prove beneficial in the case of conditions such as lipoedema or lipohypertrophy.

What are the recommendations before surgery?

Before 4D liposculpture it's good to know that there are a number of recommendations from specialists that you should take into account. Before the surgery is scheduled, you will schedule a preliminary consultation and then undergo a series of specific tests indicated by your doctor. At least two weeks before the operation it is contraindicated to take aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs to avoid excessive bleeding. In the case of smokers, they must give up this habit at least two weeks before and at least two weeks after the operation. As for women, it is good to know that this kind of surgery must take place outside the menstrual period and strict diets or taking contraceptives at least 6 months before surgery are forbidden.

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