Chemical peeling is a beauty technique in which a chemical solution of acids is applied to the skin on the face, neckline or hands so that its layers, which are damaged for various reasons, can be removed. Specifically, it is controlled exfoliation, which allows tissue regeneration, resulting in smoother, firmer and healthier skin.


Is chemical peeling recommended in all conditions? How long does the procedure last, what effects can you expect and after how long? These are some of the questions we try to answer below.


Chemical peeling is a procedure used in aesthetic medicine which, with the help of medical specialists and modern technologies, can improve the appearance of the skin. Although it is also used on the décolleté or hands, chemical peels are especially recommended for the complexion. Basically, a chemical solution is applied to your skin that initially produces some bumps (basins) that help to exfoliate it. Afterwards, the tissue regenerates and the new skin is smoother and firmer than before.


The chemical peel is used to treat wrinkles, scars and spots that appear mainly on the face. The procedure can be performed on its own or combined with other cosmetic techniques, such as Vampire Therapy.


Chemical peels can be used to treat various dermatological problems. Depending on your needs and following a specialist consultation, three types of peel may be recommended: superficial, medium or deep with or without an abrasive protocol. For all types of peels a chemical called TCA (trichloroacetic acid) is used in combination with phenols.


In principle, it takes four sessions for the procedure to take effect, but everything is personalised, so it depends very much on your own needs. Then, it is important to understand from the beginning that once you have done these four sessions, you do not have to repeat them, but follow maintenance procedures once or twice a year. In this respect, chemical peeling can be combined with Vampire Therapy, the latter being used as a recovery procedure. It should also be mentioned that no anaesthetic cream is used.

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It is used to remove the superficial layer of the skin (the skin is structured in three layers: the first is the epidermis, the second is the dermis and the third is the hypodermis), in the treatment of fine wrinkles, acne, dryness or skin imperfections. The procedure, which lasts 30 minutes, is recommended from September to the end of April, once a month. The recovery time after a superficial chemical peel is between two and four days.

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This type of peel acts on the cells of the epidermis and on the upper part of the dermis. It can be used in the treatment of wrinkles, acne scars, for example. The medium peel is recommended from the end of September, even the beginning of October, until March. A session lasts 45 minutes and is recommended to be repeated every five weeks. You will generally need one week to recover.

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Deep chemical peeling can be performed independently or in combination with dermabrasion. According to the National Institutes of Health, if the two techniques are used together, they are more effective in the treatment of wrinkles, acne, post-traumatic scars or abnormal pigmentation. The two procedures have been used in combination since 1972 and have been shown to produce better and longer-lasting results than if the two techniques are used separately. For dermabrasion, the specialist uses a special instrument, which has a wheel or abrasive brush, that removes the upper layers of the skin and smoothes out imperfections. The procedure is followed by chemical peeling. But be careful! Deep chemical peels can also be performed without dermabrasion.

This type of peel removes cells from the epidermis and deep within the dermis. Your doctor may recommend this procedure for the treatment of medium and deep wrinkles, deep scars or precancerous formations. Deep peeling is indicated from the end of September or beginning of October until March, once every two months. The procedure takes about an hour and the recovery period is between two and four weeks, depending on the case.

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TCA or trichloroacetic acid causes exfoliation of the skin layers and is used in various concentrations for different types of peels: 15% for superficial peels, 30-40% for medium and deep peels. TCA peeling also involves the use of pain-controlling substances, so there is no need for anaesthetic cream.

Be careful, though! It should not be understood that the procedure is completely painless and that the effects are seen immediately. The chemical peel involves, in addition to peeling the skin, also tissue regeneration by stimulating the synthesis of collagen and glycosaminoglycans. This means that, depending on the type of peel, you will need a recovery period of two days to two weeks.


Chemical peeling is only recommended at certain times of the year, i.e. when temperatures are not very high (summer and even the spring or autumn months when the sun is still strong). Whatever the situation, there are certain post-procedure restrictions, because the skin is very sensitive to the sun.


Attention! Exposure to the sun not only means not going to the beach, for example, but also avoiding skiing without using a UV protection cream because snow reflects strong light and this can damage your already sensitised skin.


Chemical peels may be recommended for:

  • reduction of fine lines around the mouth and eyes (in areas where the skin is very thin);
  • relief of wrinkles caused by ageing skin;
  • improving the appearance of light scars;


Chemical peeling is not recommended in summer. At this time of year you may instead be recommended a needle-free biorevitalizing therapy such as PRX-T33. The procedure is also not applicable in areas where the skin is very thin, such as the neck or eyes. There are, however, other situations where chemical peels have contraindications.


Chemical peels are not recommended for everyone. Here are some situations where such a procedure is not indicated: 


  • if you have been taking medication to treat severe acne containing isotretinoin for the past six months;
  • if you have a dark complexion;
  • if you have keloid scars (scar tissue - which is formed for the skin to regenerate following an injury - grows excessively and forms growths, called keloids);
  • the skin shows abnormal pigmentation;
  • if there are herpetic lesions.


In addition to the above, there are also some skin conditions such as bumps, very deep wrinkles, severe forms of sagging skin for which chemical peels are not effective. In these cases the specialist may recommend other therapies, such as laser or facelift.


Sometimes, but not necessarily so, chemical peels can have certain side effects, which may include: 


  • rosette - it is normal for the skin to be red after chemical peeling, but in the case of medium or deep peeling it is possible for the redness to last for several months;
  • scar - Very rarely, peeling can cause scarring, especially on the lower face; antibiotics or steroid medication may be recommended to improve the appearance of scars;
  • skin colour change - peeling can cause skin pigmentation (hyperpigmentation) or discoloration (hypopigmentation); hyperpigmentation is more common with superficial peeling, while hypopigmentation may occur more often with deep peeling;
  • infections - chemical peels can, in some cases, activate the herpes virus; rarely, bacterial or fungal infections may occur;
  • damage to the heart, liver and kidneys - deep chemical peeling can damage the heart, liver or kidneys due to exposure to phenol; therefore, the procedure requires breaks at 10-20 minute intervals.


The chemical peel is applied to the hands, décolleté and especially the face. Before you are recommended a particular type of peel, it is very important to find out what the procedure entails.


At Cronos Med, the medical specialists will give you all the explanations you need. Basically, you should know that you will need a shorter or longer period of recovery and that you will feel less or more discomfort during this time, depending on:


  • type of peeling;
  • skin type;
  • how many of these procedures have you done;
  • if you suffer from other conditions;
  • the age you are.


Before undergoing such a procedure, at Cronos Med, you benefit from special training. Basically, it is essential that you have all the information you need and understand exactly what the procedure is about, so that you don't have unrealistic expectations or get scared of the immediate effects after such a procedure (the skin looks as if it has been burnt, but these wounds are not permanent and if you use the post-procedure treatment exactly as the doctors tell you, then you have nothing to worry about). This is what the preparation before the procedure consists of:

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Your medical history

you should tell your doctor if you have or have had heart, kidney or liver problems in the past; inform him/her about any medication you are taking and the cosmetics you use, especially if they make your skin sensitive to the sun; mention if you use retinol cream because this substance can amplify the penetration in some types of peels;

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Physical examination

your doctor will examine your skin and the areas to be treated; following this examination he will decide what type of peel would suit you and what effect your physical characteristics, such as pigment or skin thickness, may have on the outcome of the procedure;

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Tell the doctor what your expectations are

it is very important to talk to your doctor about your reasons and expectations, as well as the possible risks involved in such a procedure; make sure you understand exactly how many sessions you need, whether other therapies or procedures are needed, how long it will take you to recover and what results you can expect from the recommended chemical peel.

Other recommendations that your doctor can give you before and after the chemical peel:


  • antiviral drugs - if you frequently get various forms of herpes around the mouth, your doctor may prescribe an antiviral before and after treatment to prevent them;
  • use of retinol creams - If you have a superficial or medium peel, your doctor may recommend using retinol cream to shorten the recovery period and speed up healing;
  • use of a bleaching agent - Before and after the procedure, your doctor may recommend the use of a bleaching agent and a retinol cream to prevent pigmentation.


The procedure is basically the same, but there are some differences depending on the type of chemical peel recommended: 

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Superficial peeling

the doctor will apply TCA to your skin and you may feel a sting and the treated skin will whiten; the doctor will use a neutralising solution to remove the chemical after it has taken effect;

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Medium peeling

the doctor will apply TCA to your skin and the treated area will start to turn white; after a few minutes he will apply a cold compress with a soothing effect; you may be given a fan to cool your skin, during which time the doctor can tell how hot you feel the burn; there is no need for a neutralising substance; you may feel a stinging and burning sensation for up to 20 minutes;

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Deep peeling

can be done with or without dermabrasion, which will be applied before the chemical peel; the specialist will apply TCA to your skin, and the treated areas will begin to whiten or turn grey; to limit exposure to phenol, the doctor will do the procedure in short sessions of 15 minutes each.


After any type of chemical peel, your doctor will recommend certain measures to prevent complications or infections. Here are some of them:


  • avoid unprotected exposure to the sun - it is important to use sunscreens with SPF 50+; discuss with your doctor which products you can use to be effective for you;
  • uses nourishing creams - after treatment it is not advisable to use moisturizing creams, but nourishing ones because we are talking about regenerating tissue, not moisturizing it; do not choose any kind of cream, but only the products that your specialist recommends;
  • avoid using exfoliating creams - before and after the procedure it is not advisable to use exfoliating creams or depilatory waxes;
  • get ready to stay home - Regardless of what type of peel is recommended, consider that during the recovery period you will have to stay at home for a few days.


Different types of peeling can bring you many benefits, but it is very important to take into account all the recommendations of medical specialists both in terms of preparation for such a procedure and in the post-procedure period.


Superficial peeling can improve the texture of your skin, giving it more firmness and can help slow down the appearance of fine lines. The results will be subtle at first, but will be visible with repeated use. Note, however, that after the peel it is recommended to avoid exposure to the sun until the newly formed skin covers the entire treated area.


In the case of chemical peeling, the skin will be visibly smoother. In order for the effects to be what you want or expect, keep in mind that it is advisable not to expose yourself to the sun for a few months after the procedure.


After a deep chemical peel, the effects are spectacular, but you need to pay close attention to post-procedure measures. Depending on your skin type or other considerations that only your specialist can tell you, it may be necessary to permanently avoid direct sun exposure. This is especially to avoid skin discoloration.


Regardless of the type of chemical peel, keep in mind, however, that the results may not be permanent and by no means immediate. As you get older, new expression lines will appear, for example. There is also the possibility that, due to exposure to the sun (even involuntary), the results of the procedure may not be the same and, over time, changes in skin colour may occur. Therefore, it is very important that after the chemical peel you follow certain maintenance therapies, use nourishing creams and go for regular check-ups so that your specialist can recommend what to do next.

At Cronos Med, before determining the right therapy for you, you will be given a proper health assessment and state-of-the-art medical means and technologies guarantee your safety.


Depending on the type of peeling chosen by the doctor, the cost of the procedure starts from 800 lei.

What is chemical peeling?

Skin blemishes that appear with age, acne or sun exposure can be treated with a medical procedure called a chemical peel. Dermatologists can correct various skin problems by applying chemical substances made up of acids to the targeted area. The exfoliating effect is achieved by removing dead skin cells and stimulating the skin's natural regeneration. This type of treatment can address various areas of the body such as the skin of the skin, neck, décolleté or even the skin of the hands. After tissue regeneration you will notice a smoother and firmer looking skin. This beauty technique is used to treat hyperpigmentation spots, scars or wrinkles and can be used in combination with other cosmetic treatments.

How many types of chemical peels are there?

Following consultation with your dermatologist and the specific treatment recommended for your skin characteristics, you will be able to benefit from one of the three types of chemical peels. The superficial chemical peel is used to remove the top layer of skin and is suitable for treating fine wrinkles, dry skin, acne or other skin imperfections. The medium chemical peel acts on the upper part of the dermis and is aimed at treating wrinkles or scars left by acne. The deep chemical peel can be performed as a single treatment or can be combined with dermabrasion for greater effectiveness. It is intended for skin experiencing more pronounced wrinkles or acne, post-traumatic scars or hyperpigmentation spots.

What are the benefits of chemical peels?

The effects of chemical peeling can bring you a lot of benefits, but to maximize the results it is recommended to follow closely the dermatologist's recommendations both before and after the treatment. Depending on the type of peel the specialist decides to use, you may notice an improvement in skin texture, more firmness, slower appearance of fine wrinkles or improvement of hyperpigmentation spots. Exposure to the sun without protective methods and outside the period recommended by the doctor can lead over time to changes in the results of the procedure.

What is chemical peeling?

Skin imperfections that appear with age, acne or sun exposure can be treated with a medical procedure called chemical peeling. Thus, dermatologists can correct various skin problems by applying chemical substances made of acids to the targeted area. The exfoliating effect is achieved by removing dead skin cells and stimulating natural skin regeneration. This type of treatment can address various areas of the body such as the skin of the skin, neck, décolleté or even the skin of the hands. After tissue regeneration you will notice a smoother and firmer looking skin. This beauty technique is used to treat hyperpigmentation spots, scars or wrinkles and can be used in combination with other cosmetic treatments.

How many types of chemical peels are there?

Following consultation with your dermatologist and the specific treatment recommended for your skin characteristics, you will be able to benefit from one of the three types of chemical peeling. The superficial chemical peel is used to remove the top layer of skin and is suitable for treating fine wrinkles, dry skin, acne or other skin imperfections. The medium chemical peel acts on the upper part of the dermis and is aimed at treating wrinkles or scars left by acne. The deep chemical peel can be performed as a single treatment or can be combined with dermabrasion for greater effectiveness. It is intended for skin experiencing more pronounced wrinkles or acne, post-traumatic scars or hyperpigmentation spots.

What are the benefits of chemical peels?

Effects chemical peel can bring you a lot of benefits, but to maximize the results it is recommended to follow closely the dermatologist's recommendations both before and after the treatment. Depending on the type of peel the specialist decides to use, you may notice an improvement in skin texture, more firmness, slowing the appearance of fine wrinkles or improving hyperpigmentation spots. Exposure to the sun without protective methods and outside the period recommended by the doctor can lead over time to changes in the results of the procedure.

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