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Double Barbie or gusa: how to get rid of it?

By February 13, 2023#!30Tue, 11 Jun 2024 09:38:23 +0300+03:002330#30Tue, 11 Jun 2024 09:38:23 +0300+03:00-9Europe/Bucharest3030Europe/Bucharestx30 11am30am-30Tue, 11 Jun 2024 09:38:23 +0300+03:009Europe/Bucharest3030Europe/Bucharestx302024Tue, 11 Jun 2024 09:38:23 +0300389386amTuesday=314#!30Tue, 11 Jun 2024 09:38:23 +0300+03:00Europe/Bucharest6#June 11th, 2024#!30Tue, 11 Jun 2024 09:38:23 +0300+03:002330#/30Tue, 11 Jun 2024 09:38:23 +0300+03:00-9Europe/Bucharest3030Europe/Bucharestx30#!30Tue, 11 Jun 2024 09:38:23 +0300+03:00Europe/Bucharest6#No Comments
double gusa chin - cronos med

The self-confidence of each of us is dictated by a lot of details, starting from the way we look to the deeper aspects of our personality. However, because our physical appearance is the first to stand out, we can end up not feeling confident enough because of some aspects that are important to us.


The double chin, also known as the goiter or submental fat, is a very current problem faced by many people. At the root of this problem lies, first and foremost, the degree of toning of the platysma muscle (also called the skin muscle of the neck). Find out, in the following, which are the most common causes of the formation of goiter, but also which are the most effective methods recommended for its elimination.

How double chin appears


The causes of double chin are numerous and vary from person to person. Even though being overweight is apparently the only determining factor of this aesthetic problem, there are more possible causes behind it than you might think. So, double chin can have its origin in one or more of the following causes:


  • decreased skin elasticity - Over the course of a lifetime, either with advancing age or as a result of medical problems or an incomplete skin care routine, collagen and elastin production can decline. Thus, skin elasticity is reduced in turn, leading to the appearance of sagging skin, including in the beard area;
  • weight gain - Even though the abdomen and thighs are generally the first to come into your sights, when you find that you have gained a few extra pounds, fat is stored in many other areas of the body, and the face and neck are no exception;
  • posture - not infrequently, we spend a lot of time at our desks, in front of our computers, or holding our chins in our chests, when sitting on the couch, in front of the TV or while reading. These positions end up weakening the platysma muscle and can cause the appearance of a double chin;
  • genetic inheritance - In general, people who have parents or siblings who experience the presence of goiter are, in turn, prone to developing double beards. This is not necessarily a rule, especially as exact genetic causes have not been established, but it is a factor worth considering;
  • eating habits - a diet based more on carbohydrates than on fibre and protein can also lead to the development of a double chin.
Can men have a double chin?


A double chin can occur in anyone, regardless of gender or age. Although women are more prone to double chin, men can also experience this problem. The causes of goitre are the same for both women and men. In fact, more and more men have become concerned about the notion of double chin these days, looking for solutions to remove it.

Double chin - a cause for concern?


Although unsightly, double chin cannot be considered a real health problem. It is noticed by those who experience it primarily for aesthetic reasons, but it is true that there may be slight reasons for concern behind it.


For example, when goitre occurs due to the accumulation of excess weight, it can lead to overweight, which in turn can lead to other health problems if not kept under control. Also, a double chin can be a sign of reduced elastin and collagen production, which can draw attention to improving skin care routines for the complexion and skin in general.

How to get rid of the goiter


Today, removing double beards has become a definite goal for more and more people. As mentioned earlier, this aesthetic problem can become a concern for both women and men. Thanks to increasingly advanced studies in the field of nutrition and aesthetic medicine, there are now many ways for people with double chins to get rid of this problem.


Exercises for double chin

For toning the above-mentioned platysma muscle, doing some physical exercises can be helpful. One of these exercises involves laying your head back and then bringing your chin to your chest, doing 10-15 repetitions. You can also use an appropriately sized ball to hold between your chin and your chest and press your chin 10-20 times. In this way, the muscles in the neck area can become stronger and the double chin look can be diminished.


Diet helps remove double beards

A proper weight loss regime will lead to weight loss and, therefore, to the reduction of body fat, including the beard. If you feel that you cannot establish a correct and healthy diet, you can always seek the help of a nutritionist, who will design a diet according to the type of conformation your body has, but also to your lifestyle.


Aesthetic treatments for double chin

Aesthetic medicine is constantly developing and now offers effective and minimally invasive solutions for many problems related to body appearance. The double chin is no exception either, so there are several aesthetic treatments that can help you achieve the look you want:


  • cryolipolysis by Clatuu technology - The procedure is based on a revolutionary controlled cooling system that can reach temperatures as low as minus 9 degrees Celsius. Due to this low temperature, fat cells are destroyed and then drained by lymph circulation. Another advantage of Clatuu cryolipolysis is the short recovery time, as it is a non-invasive procedure;
  • injectable treatment for the gag area (lipolysis) - whether or not the double chin look is caused by weight gain, lipolysis has proven to be an effective method when it comes to eliminating the goiter. During lipolysis sessions, the aesthetic specialist will inject a compound in the form of a solution into the submandibular area. The role of this solution is to destroy the fat cells, which are then eliminated via the lymphatic system, just like cryolipolysis;
  • 4D liposculpture - This liposuction procedure is minimally invasive because it uses state-of-the-art procedures and technology. The incisions made to remove fat deposits are small, making this type of treatment far superior to traditional liposuction.



Physical appearance can indeed be strongly influenced by the presence of double beards. Although there are many ways in which this aesthetic problem can be eliminated, it is important to first identify the exact causes of the appearance of a double chin. This is why it is essential to consult a specialist before resorting to any treatment method designed to remove the goiter.


Cronos Med clinics have modern methods of diagnosis and treatment and, at the same time, rely on the experience and knowledge of the specialists who are part of our team. So, if you would like advice on how to get rid of the appearance of a double chin, we recommend that you make an appointment at one of the Cronos Med clinics, either by calling the single telephone number 021 9097 or by using contact form.

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