With age, the production of collagen and elastin, as well as the hyaluronic acid in the body, decreases. With them, our facial volume decreases. One of the solutions we offer at Cronos Med is the restoration of facial volume through autologous fat transfer. The major advantage is that porous fat is an extremely safe and very natural option.


The surgeon identifies the "donor" areas and extracts the needed fat through a special liposuction method, which prevents cell destruction. The fat and fluid obtained are processed, converted into pure fat and then injected into the areas to be reshaped in the face.


You may feel mild discomfort and notice slight swelling in your face and in the area where the fat was harvested. The swelling and bruising caused by liposuction lasts for a few days, and those on the face for up to two weeks.


Approximately 50-65% of the fat graft will have permanent results, but this is variable because the fat may resorb unevenly, leaving room for asymmetry and requiring revision of the procedure.
The reason is that fat injections involve the transfer of living fat cells, which need blood flow to survive. Too many fat cells tend to overcrowd the blood vessels in the face, so that some cells end up not getting adequate access to them. In this case, they are reabsorbed by the body, not getting the vitamins, nutrients and oxygen needed for survival.


Fat transfer to the face costs

from 3.000 €

What is autologous fat transfer for facial volumetry?

Certain areas of the face can lose volume with age. Autologous fat transfer for facial volumetry is an aesthetic procedure that involves extracting fat from certain areas of the body, processing it to obtain nano or micro fat for injection in the face, in areas that need extra volume, but also regeneration. Because your own fat cells are used, autologous fat injections offers natural results with minimal side effects. For autologous fat transfer the face requires only local anesthesia, the procedure being minimally invasive.

How long does the procedure take?

The duration of this procedure varies depending on the size of the treated area, as well as other particularities of each case. In general, autologous fat transfer for facial volumetry lasts between 30 and 45 minutes. To this is added the time needed for the local anaesthetic to take effect. You can expect the whole procedure to take 1-2 hours at most. The doctors at Cronos Med will give you precise instructions about the care after the procedure. own fat injections so that you can enjoy a smooth recovery. You may need a few days to a week to recover.

To which areas of the face can fat be transferred?

Restoring facial volume Fat injection is usually done in areas where the resorption of fat deposits is more pronounced, such as the cheeks or lips. Also, depressions that may appear in the temple area due to ageing can be treated with this procedure. Own fat can also be injected into the forehead, dark circles or beard. The optimal areas for injection are determined during a thorough consultation, when Cronos Med doctors evaluate your facial volume and provide you with a personalized treatment plan. For more details, we look forward to your consultation.

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